[3830] WPX CW N1DC SOAB Classic TB-Wires LP

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Mon May 31 13:12:02 EDT 2021

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2021

Call: N1DC
Operator(s): N1DC
Station: N1DC

Class: SOAB LP
Class Overlay: Classic TB-Wires 
Operating Time (hrs): 13.5

 Band  QSOs
  160:   12
   80:   81
   40:  122
   20:  189
   15:  153
   10:   51
Total:  608  Prefixes = 348  Total Score = 438,480

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Limited hours this weekend despite the terrible rainy weather here in New
England. Only 48 degrees on Sunday!

75% S&P and 25% running

Saturday conditions on 20M were not great. The expected EU opening around 1500
UTC did not materialize. I spent Saturday night on 40/80/160 for maximum points.
Found out 20M was open Saturday night after the contest was over.

Probably spent too much time running on 15M Sunday with the beam pointed west.
Lots of 1 point QSO's with some new prefixes. 

10M was open Sunday too but not many stations were there.

This contest is a multiplier game primarily. I should have spent more time
hunting prefixes and less running.

Great fun as always.

Thanks for the QSO's.

Rick  N1DC

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