[3830] MoQP NW0M SO Fixed LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Apr 3 18:17:40 EDT 2022

                    Missouri QSO Party - 2022

Call: NW0M
Operator(s): NW0M
Station: NW0M

Class: SO Fixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 16:40

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
  160:    7              
   80:  111      4       
   40:  185     91       
   20:  235    121       
   15:   17      1       
Total:  555    217      0  Mults = 85  Total Score = 112,895

Club: Kansas City Contest Club


The first three hours had terrible condx.  But condx improved the rest of
Saturday.  Pretty good today as well but had LOTS of dupes...

Worked only 33 counties and 52 other mults.  I did work all lower 48 states with
Idaho being last one.

Most often worked station was OM2VL and WX8C at 7 Qs each.

K4 100 watts, Mosley CL33 on 9 foot roof tower, and OCF dipole at 60 ft for

73, Mitch

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