[3830] WPX SSB KQ2M SOAB Unassisted HP
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Wed Apr 6 00:05:06 EDT 2022
CQWW WPX Contest, SSB - 2022
Call: KQ2M
Operator(s): KQ2M
Station: KQ2M
Class: SOAB HP
Class Overlay: Unassisted
Operating Time (hrs): 36.0
OpMode: SO2R
Band QSOs
160: 1
80: 281
40: 951
20: 1255
15: 1507
10: 141
Total: 4136 Prefixes = 1197 Total Score = 15,016,365
Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
WPXSSB has always been my favorite contest. There is no other major DX contest
where you can work DX and US, be a mult and start raging pileups while using an
attic dipole, and find space in the band to CQ. And, because it takes place
within a few days of the Vernal (Spring) Equinox, when the entire world has
equal length days and nights, the propagation is usually the best of the entire
year and produces spectacular band openings via unusual propagation paths that
occur at unexpected times.
It also has some unique rules which make it the most challenging of all contests
to operate Single Op. You are TIME-LIMITED to operating 36 hours maximum and
you have to choose them wisely lest you miss one of a kind band openings with
lots of mults. The 2x pt differential for low band vs. high band DX qsos
introduces many additional operating choices during the contest. You can not
just sit on the high bands and run guys, you have to work the low bands too
because those qsos count MORE and often make the difference in who finishes on
top. The activity levels are incredible and the fact that a WB2 counts for a
mult the same as a 3X0 helps to relieve the spotting cluster madness of insane
pileups that often scare away casual DX stations in rare places. This allows
newcomer DX stations to get on and operate a DX contest that they might
otherwise sit out. WPXSSB is the most challenging and fun of all the DX
contests and the explosive worldwide growth in participation says it all!
Before the contest we had another Nor'easter, and on Thursday I fixed my 80 M
4-square again, hooked up my station and things seemed to work. NOAA was
predicting a G1 radio storm to start late Friday and last the weekend, sparked
by an Earth-facing CME. In addition, in CT we were supposed to get heavy rains
and possibly T-storms Friday and Saturday; which would mean bad qrn on top of
the solar flares, absorption, truncated band openings and high QSB. It sounded
awful; but it was WPXSSB which means that surprises abound and the bands could
suddenly open up. If you weren't ready for it you might not get another chance
to work that part of the world! What was odd was that ordinarily propagation
tends to repeat in a similar pattern about 28 days later, one trip around the
sun. Four weeks before WPXSSB we had high solar flux and quiet geomagnetic cndx
which is what I was expecting to repeat during WPXSSB, but instead we got a
repeat of the solar cndx THREE weeks before WPXSSB which was lower solar flux, a
CME, elevated solar wind and disturbed geomagnetic cndx. Not cool!
Since propagation would deteriorate badly at some point - I had a choice to
either take a 1-hour nap before the contest and start on 20 or 80, or give up
that badly needed nap to stake out a run freq. on 40. I opted for the nap and
starting on 20 since 20 might now be open to JA and the West but it would likely
close quickly and might not open again if that G1 radio storm hit at a bad
I knew that my friends NN1C @ KC1XX and K1LZ, operating at two of the best
stations in North America, would be on single op, so they would be good
measuring sticks as to how I was doing. And with the ARRLDX SSB contest just 3
weekends prior, I was still fairly well warmed up and ready to go.
20 started off well with HS5NMF calling in at 0000z for qso #3 and by 0003z I
had 14 qsos. I was working a combination of Western/Northern EU, Midwest and
West Coast US, VE and South America and I had a clear frequency! But I knew it
wouldn't last long. D60AB surprise me @ 0013z followed by a few JA, KL7, and
KH6 stations and I had 80 qsos by 0029z but then at 0035z the band faded rapidly
and by 0057z the magic was gone with 120 qsos and 20 dead. I qsyed to 40 and
then 80 for a brief run but no EU and then back to 40 for the start of a good
run with a peak last 10 minute rate of 240.0 ! A pileup started of 6 pt EU
callers along with VE and US stations and I was having fun. QRM was very high
and the qsb added to the difficulty of getting the numbers correct which greatly
slowed the rate but it was steady and productive. Late in the 02z hour D4Z and
ZS2ABE called in along with a loud TF3T at 0358z and ZS1RJQ at 0419z. My run
was still going strong at 0446z but it was time to try running on 80 or I would
miss it. I qsyed at 0450z with 540 qsos, having averaged 115 per hr for the past
3 hours. I found a good spot on the low end of 80 with a nice run peaking at a
last 10 minute rate of 222.2 !. EU signals were strong and I was hearing well
but there was low EU volume. I was working more US and VE than EU unlike 40
where it was predominantly EU calling in. I had not been using the 2nd radio to
this point as I needed to completely focus on pulling out the stations through
the qrn, but as 80 slowed I tuned 20 and heard spotlight propagation on a few
loud EU signals which I worked easily; a good sign. By 06z the 80 meter run was
petering out but there were still loud stations to work. I tuned high on 80 and
qsyed to the middle of 40 for another run and then found a quieter spot higher
in the band here I heard better. At 0730z the propagation changed and VL2L
called in - 40 was still open well to EU but the volume dried up since it was 2
hours past EU sunrise - they were likely on 20 and 15. I took offtime at 0746z
with 832 qsos and 492 muilts; my best score to that point in many years. I
planned to start early on 20 and I needed sleep!
At 1010z 20 was already wide open and my run started. Then a big fade and a
re-opening with HB0DX calling @ 1031 and a spike in the peak rate to 274.8 last
10. At 1056z propagation suddenly turned the volume to FULL with a 30 db jump
in signal strength in about 1 minute! The rate spiked again and that was my cue
to qsy to 15 @ 1101z. 15 EXPLODED with amazing signals and the last 10 rate
spiked to 360.0 ! with the last 100 qso rate now climbing to 206.2 ! This was
no ordinary band opening, it was an Equinoctial WPXSSB 15 meter band opening !
At 1143z A73A called in followed by YB2VYY and YD1C, the first two of many, many
YB stations.
I had mentioned in my ARRLDX SSB writeup that one important thing that was
different about the DX contests in Fall 2021 and Winter 2022 was that because
the SFI was consistently in the 110 - 125 range, my TOP antennas on 15 and 20
were no longer very useful. The higher SFI had was consistent with a higher
level of ionization which changed the angle of propagated signals so that now
the middle two 15 and the middle / bottom 20 or middle 20 by itself were the
best antenna combinations for most of the day. Around 1215z 15 started to go
long and JW7QIA called followed by HS0ZCW @ 1224z, 7Z1VD and several more YB and
YC stations, HZ1HZ and VU3NPI. The run got even better in the 13z hour with
UA9CVQ and * 9 * YB and YC stations in the next 18 minutes ! plus E29TGW,
E24OYI, E20PFE, E25CRF, E21AK and 7 more YB and YC stations plus UP0L ! I
couldn't believe the stations calling me. It felt like I was on the West Coast
! The most incredible thing was that ALL the YB, YC, YD stations were S9 !
The 14z hour started with YB0NSI and 4 more Indonesian stations along with
VU2FGQ and HS5NMF for band #2. At 1410 z I hit 305.1 / 177.2 last 10 / last 100
rates and they continued higher with 264.7 / 204.1 at 1430z.
But then a Central American station started CQing 500 hz above me and siphoning
off the pileup. It took 10 minutes to get rid of him and then the pileup grew
massive and the rate went vertical. Signals were extremely loud on 15 with some
OH callers S9 + 20 – such was the magic of Equinoctial propagation in WPXSSB
! 3B8CW called @ 1512z followed by 7E1A and 7I1I, but then at 1530z 15 got very
noisy on the top antenna and the qrn climbed rapidly. I knew what this meant.
A STORM was coming. I checked the weather radar and sure enough a squall was
coming in from the West; very similar to the snow squalls in ARRLDXSSB which
caused S9 + 20 qrn and an involuntary qrt. By 1545z it was impossible to copy
anything on the top two antennas on 15. I had to cq on the top stack and then
push the button to receive on the low 15 @ 30' and then push the button again
for top stack before transmitting. I kept this up for the next 30 minutes
through a rain static “buzzsaw” and then the qrn started to fluctuate
making it possible at times to briefly hear on the upper antennas again.
During the din, TC3X and SV9COL called in and then my good friend Jim N6TJ @
NH7T. 15 continued to stay open and produce but the rate steadily dropped and
it was just a matter of time till I had to qsy to 20.
In the 17z hour my run was challenged by a dive in propagation thanks to a Bz of
-6.4, a very negative Earth's magnetic field. And there was a loud W5 three kc
below who was splattering badly. When I asked him to please turn down his
processor, he scoffed and said "I'm loud. Not wide"; apparently not
understanding that you can be loud and WIDE. Moreover, he didn’t care that he
was qrming me. The super loud EU stations that I had been working earlier were
louder than this W5 but had far narrower signals, usually not heard more than 1
- 2 kc from where they were transmitting. This W5 was being was 8 kc wide!
from 21205, 4 kc above his 21201 txmit freq all the way down to 21197. And he
was that wide even with my pair of 2khz crystal filters and Shift and Notch
filters in use to reduce the impact of his splatter. He refused to cooperate in
any way - did he even wonder why there was no one above him for 3 kc? Was that
also just because he was loud?
Even with the qsb and splatter, VU3ESV called in @ 1718z and the good rate 15
continued but the band faded fast and I needed to find a good spot on 20 to
welcome the EU stations that left 15. Checking the propagation sites showed
that we had had a C2 flare @ 1538z which explained a lot!
Starting with the 11z hour I had had rates of 189, 194, 180, 174, 143, 121, 104,
116 on 15 but at 1832z I left a still open 15 to go to 20. Unfortunately the
heavy rain terrible and rain static returned @ 1840z.
I used the same technique as on 15 - transmit on the middle and upper antenna
stack and then listen on the lower antenna. It was cumbersome and annoying but
there was no alternative. I operated this way for the next 1/2 hour with 9K9A
calling at 1919z and then Champ, E2A @ 1925z. The rate slowed from 225 / 153
last 10 / last 100 but steadied. I had been on 15 almost all day which meant I
had a very low qso total on 20 and should now have lots of stations interesting
calling me. JW7QIA called in @ 1943z and was followed by ZL1BBW longpath at
1947z. 20 got better after 20z but so did the rain and it was back to the
transmit on stack, manually switch to the lower antenna to listen and then push
the buttons for the stack and then transmit. Finally at 2035z the EU signals
got louder, the rain static died down, and the rate spiked to a last 10 high of
Someone with a 40 meter yagi would be there now running the EU 6 pointers, but I
don't have a 40 meter yagi and was not loud. Instead I stayed on 20 to work 3
pt EU stations and hoped the band would open to JA. Instead the band opened to
VK with VJ2J calling long path followed by VK2PKK and VK3X along with a lot of
DL, G, I and PA stations and then VJ3A, VJ2Z and the first JA station, JR8VSE at
At 2155z, signals came up suddenly and VL6C and a few JA's called followed by
BY5HB at 2200z and YB1RKT @ 2205z. YE4IJ at 2207z was followed by 4 more JA's,
ZL2UO, ZL4AS and VK4ZP and late in the hour YB0IBM, Al7AF and VK2LX. The EU
stations continued to steadily call and get louder. Cndx were improving and it
likely meant that the Bz was even more positive. Sure enough, not only was the
Bz now +1.2 but the Solar Wind had dropped from elevated levels of 500+ all the
way back to 311, which was excellent. No wonder 20 was wide open to EU again !
Rather than go to 40, I decided to try 15 for JA stations. I left an excellent
run on 20 @ 2305z and quickly tuned the band, finding my very good friend Joe,
K3NM operating Multi/Single at V47T and then ran some JA stations with BD3CB and
VJ2Z calling in along with ZM4T and BY5HB a few minutes later at 2331 and 2333z.
But that was it. Starting at 19z, I had had solid rates of 155, 140, 157 and
117 but 15 shut down and I qsy'ed to 40 at 2346z and began a good run punctuated
by 9K2NO calling in @ 0002z.
At the halfway mark I had 2876 qsos x 986 mults for ~ 8.4 meg. but that was the
halfway of the contest; I had already used up 21.5 of the 36 hours operating
time, or 60%. I was projecting a good score, maybe in the 15 million pt range
if I was fortunate. It would all depend on propagation.
Unfortunately, K3RA came back to reprise his nasty lid role from WPX SSB last
year on 40. I had clearly been running stations on the freq. but then he almost
ZERO BEAT me and started calling cq - he was s9 + 10 and the freq. was quite
clear so he certainly heard me. He ignored me when I nicely told him "The
freq. is in use, please qsy", and he immediately called CQ again. Again I
asked him nicely to qsy and again he called CQ immediately. Then I told him to
qsy not so nicely and he got verbally abusive. I reminded him of his obnoxious
behavior on 40 in last years WPXSSB contest and asked him why he insisted on
continuing to behave this way year after year? After a few more rounds of cqing
on me he finally left; moved down 2 kc and repeated the process on top with
someone else; cqing on top of him and trying to bully him off of his freq. K3RA
really should be DQ 'ed for this pattern of continuing unsportsmanlike behavior
The run resumed and I had a 107 hour with a bunch of US mults but those 1 pt US
stations were not helping much – I needed the 6 pointers. I continued for a
little while hoping for more EU stations but that did not happen. I needed to
start taking more offtime. If I was not working 6 pointers then I needed to
qrt, which I did @ 0128z after checking 20.
Upstairs, I spent some time with my XYL upstairs, had some dinner and watched a
movie before deciding to run on 80 @ 0344z. The QRN level was high and the EU
was not calling. As I was thinking about taking more offtime, Marty NN1C called
in from KC1XX. I gave him #3055 and when he gave me #3038 I started laughing
because 28 hours into the contest with each of us making 3,000 + qsos, we were
just 17 qsos apart ! I thought that it was amazing that we were that close but
of course we didn’t know each other’s offtime left or qso pts or mults, so
maybe we were not as close as it appeared.
I ran 80 until 0433z on a clear freq. and there were loud EU callers but very
few of them which was disappointing. Once again it was mostly 1 pt US calling
in which meant that it was time to qsy to 40 where I found the EU stations
louder and more plentiful. I tuned quickly, worked a few mults and started a
good run @ 0444z with T70A, FY5KE and ZS1PZ calling in plus more US mults., but
40 faded quickly and at 0514z I moved back to 80 with 6W1TG calling @ 0528z
before 80 faded and it was back again to 40 @ 0540z. This time 40 sounded
solid; almost all EU and LOUD. Although the rate was only in 80 / hour range,
they were almost all 6 pointers with a bunch of new mults. I was about to qrt
until a LOUD VK9DX called in @ 0742z and I decided to keep going; but it was
VERY late for 40 in EU with most stations either qrt or on 10 or 15. I went qrt
@ 0752z with 3359 qsos x 1066 mults = 11.02 Meg. in 27.2 hours. I was running
out of operating time. I had figured that the bands would be poor with a G1
radiostorm but now I was not so sure.
I got up earlier Sunday and started my 20 meter run at 0949z. 20 was waking up
well – I was ready and had a good freq. In fact, 20 was sounding like it was
BETTER than Saturday which meant that I did NOT have enough operating time left.
Signals were getting louder, the freq. was clear and the mults were calling in
when 15 started to open to EU ! ZL3CW called in @ 1057z followed by ZL2BMC and
a surprisingly loud JA7ZFN at 1114z. I swung the top 20 North hoping for a JA
run but nothing happened. Instead 20 opened to VK longpath with VL3D, VK2KPP,
VK5PAS, VK3Y and VL2L all calling within 13 minutes followed by TO3Z and 3B8CW,
but EU was almost gone and 15 dying rapidly. What happened? Another flare?
After a promising start on 20 with 122 in the 10z hour and a paltry 87 at 11z,
the 12z hour started with VJ2W and VK3IO on 20 with really weak EU stations;
some of whom were barely audible. I did not want to give up my 20 meter run
freq. but I was not confident enough about 15 opening up again. I had been
fooled badly in years past with a brief decent opening on 15 to EU and then it
dying while I continued to cq thinking it would reopen. This time I stayed on
20 and trying an occasional cq high in the band on 15. At 1256z on my 3rd 15
meter cq, a LOUD DU1EG called me on 15 !followed by a dozen LOUD EU stations all
S9 ! What just happened? And then 20 started to reopen with VJ5W and JA3IJI
calling plus Western and Northern EU. I turned my attention back 20 and
discovered that there had been another C Class flare @ 1109z. UGH! No wonder !
What awful timing ! The 12z hour produced 82 qsos as did the 13z hour as I
finally qsyed to 15 @ 1335z and quickly found a loud D4Z.
15 was packed from top to bottom - it had just exploded open and I was not
there so I forfeited any chance of getting a prime 15 meter run freq. I was
hoping for an Asian run on 20 which never happened, so I was zero for two in
operating decisions. UGH! But the beauty of WPXSSB propagation is that you
never know what is ABOUT TO HAPPEN. At 1336z I started a run on 15 and 9 qsos
later a loud YB1CQU called followed by YB3BBF, YB1MW and then another burst of
YB stations. WOW !
15 faded fast at the end of the 13z hour but then it reopened even better than
before. The YB stations got even louder - some of them 59+ 10 - 20 ! Champ,
E2A called @ 1412z along with TK4RC and every few minutes another YB would call;
followed by HS7HHK called @ 1442z. And then cndx got REALLY GOOD! Between
1448z -1459z, I ran 20 stations including YC9AAI, E22UUW, DV1SCO, DV1UCX,
YB1SNS, YB1DMK, and YB3BLJ. I couldn't believe who was calling me ! But I was
rapidly using up my remaining run time. I had not been to 10 yet and decided to
see what I could work even though it was a bit early. I ran a few PY's and
F8KGM and CU2YK both called in peaking DUE SOUTH ! The brief run ended and I
had to take offtime. The 14z hour produced 100 qsos but also a lifetime memory
of an unexpected SPECTACULAR over the pole direct path 15 meter opening to SE
Asia !
I went qrt at 1512z which in retrospect was a mistake. I SHOULD have taken off
time after that earlier flare and then I would have had another 1 hour to
operate while the band was open to SE Asia. Who knows what else might have
called in after 1512z? !
Back on @ 1713z, I found FR4KR before staring another run with a great BURST and
then 15 died. And then it reopened with a lesser BURST and then died again. At
1756z V51JP called as 15 faded yet again. I made 78 qsos in 47 minutes but 15
sounded done. I started tuning 10 for mults and was thrilled to see how loud
the SA, CA and African stations were. V557 and D4Z were both over S9 but no EU.
@ 1836z I called CQ and in short order had a pileup of SA stations including a
LOUD VP8NO ! near the end of the 18z hour with 84 qsos. I continued running
and KC1XX found me agin. I gave Marty #4042 and he gave me #4003 which was
great; but I still had a lot of offtime to take so the 39 qso lead might not
mean a thing. D44PM called in @ 1906z and EA4KD called in @ 1927z peaking DUE
SOUTH and interestingly enough I also heard EA4KD quite well with the 10 meter
yagi @ 23' pointed NE - which indicated a really high angle signal. The run
began to peter out and I left for 15 - almost dead - then ran 20 @ 1933z.
FR4KR called me at 1938z but the rate was slow and 20 was not very good. I took
offtime at 1951z. The 19z hour was productive with 73 qsos and 12 mults in 51
minutes. Operating time was precious now with only about 45 minutes left.
@ 2122z I got back on and tried to run on 40 while I tuned 10 for qsos and
mults. It was solid but not what I hoped and I went qrt @ 2155z.
At 2256z, with 10 minutes left to operate, I decided to forego 6 pt EU on 40 and
see if 15 was open to JA. It WAS! I tuned quickly, worked a few JA mults and
then called CQ with JA, VK, VE, SA, CA, ZL, VK, and KL7 callers.
4136 x 1197 = 15,016,365 in 36 hrs NON-Assisted. This was my 2nd highest
claimed score ever in WPXSSB.
And I was having so much fun that I continued operating to end notching 131 qsos
in the 23z hour which included 31 JA's, 3 VK's, 12 VE's, 2 KL7's, 1 BA, 1 DU, 12
S. America, 2 Central America and 61 US. A delicious smorgasbord of DX with 32
mults – it was fun even though most of it didn’t count for my score!
The rates were lower than usual with Best 60 minutes = 201 qsos vs. 194 Best
clock hour
I had one 7 qso minute (a rarity in WPX where you have to copy serial numbers)
and it occurred in the first hour on 20 rather than during the morning EU runs;
also a few 6 qso minutes.
As I was looking over my log and statistics I reviewed the qso count by country.
It was a SHOCK to see that I had worked ** 49 ** different YB stations on 15
!!! I probably haven’t worked 49 different YB stations in all the DX
contests that I have ever operated much less on 15 in one contest! For some
perspective, I worked only 46 JA's and 25 VE's on 15! By country, YB had the
9th highest qso total on 15 well ahead of OH with 37, ON with 31 and OK with 30.
I worked only 29 S5 stations on ALL bands compared to 49 YB stations on 15. I
still can't comprehend this !
Almost as surprising were the 10 different HS stations and 4 DU's on 15 vs. only
5 VK’s !
I don't know if this path will get even better over the next few years or we
experienced a once in a lifetime opening to YB and HS this weekend, but whatever
it was, it was AMAZING ! And totally unexpected and it occurred during a G1
radio storm. Simply INCREDIBLE! THIS is exactly why I love operating DX
contests and particularly WPXSSB. Propagation, quite unexpectedly can be
AWESOME at times. You NEVER know what is going to happen next !
Congrats to my good friend Marty, NN1C on his fantastic score at KC1XX. As it
turned out he went SOABHP ( Assisted ) whereas I was SOABHP NON-Assisted and
competing in the Unassisted Challenge. Our exchange of qso numbers during the
weekend provided some additional fun and intrigue during a strange and exciting
contest weekend.
My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine.
It was wonderful to say hello to my old friends and to make new ones this past
weekend. Thanks for all the qsos and the mults and a special thanks for the
DXpedition stations that traveled to give us another mult. I hope to see you
all in WPXCW with better conditions!
Bob, KQ2M
kq2m at kq2m.com
Breakdown includes qsos and mults made after 36 hours that are excluded from my
claimed score 36 hour score.
HOUR 160 80 40 20 15 10 HR TOT CUM TOT
0 ..... ..... ..... 120/93 ..... ..... 120/93 120/93
1 . 9/8 110/87 . . . 119/95 239/188
2 . . 115/85 . . . 115/85 354/273
3 . . 111/66 . . . 111/66 465/339
4 . 27/10 72/38 . . . 99/48 564/387
5 . 114/34 . 3/1 . . 117/35 681/422
6 . 13/8 62/30 . . . 75/38 756/460
7 . . 76/32 . . . 76/32 832/492
8 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 832/492
9 . . . . . . . 832/492
10 . . . 130/54 . . 130/54 962/546
11 . . . . 189/55 . 189/55 1151/601
12 . . . . 194/59 . 194/59 1345/660
13 . . . . 180/43 . 180/43 1525/703
14 . . . . 174/46 . 174/46 1699/749
15 . . . . 143/40 . 143/40 1842/789
16 ..... ..... ..... ..... 121/23 ..... 121/23 1963/812
17 . . . . 104/20 . 104/20 2067/832
18 . . . 67/7 49/13 . 116/20 2183/852
19 . . . 155/21 . . 155/21 2338/873
20 . . . 140/22 . . 140/22 2478/895
21 . . . 157/32 . . 157/32 2635/927
22 . . . 117/34 . . 117/34 2752/961
23 . . 20/2 12/2 62/21 . 94/25 2846/986
0 ..... ..... 107/22 ..... ..... ..... 107/222953/1008
1 . 1/0 48/8 1/1 . . 50/9 3003/1017
2 . . . . . . . 3003/1017
3 . 35/10 . . . . 35/103038/1027
4 . 56/6 28/8 . . . 84/143122/1041
5 1/0 26/5 33/2 . . . 60/7 3182/1048
6 . . 74/8 . . . 74/8 3256/1056
7 . . 66/10 . . . 66/103322/1066
8 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....3322/1066
9 . . . 13/1 . . 13/1 3335/1067
10 . . . 122/13 . . 122/133457/1080
11 . . . 87/7 . . 87/7 3544/1087
12 . . . 51/5 31/8 . 82/133626/1100
13 . . . 40/5 42/1 . 82/6 3708/1106
14 . . . . 100/12 . 100/123808/1118
15 . . . . 5/1 9/3 14/4 3822/1122
16 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....3822/1122
17 . . . . 78/12 . 78/123900/1134
18 . . . . . 84/29 84/293984/1163
19 . . . 40/5 1/0 32/7 73/124057/1175
20 . . . . . . . 4057/1175
21 . . 29/3 . . 16/8 45/114102/1186
22 . . . . 8/5 . 8/5 4110/1191
23 . . . . 129/30 . 129/304239/1221
DAY1 ..... 163/60 566/340 901/266 1216/320 ..... ..... 2846/986
DAY2 1/0 118/21 385/61 354/37 394/69 141/47 . 1393/235
TOT 1/0 281/81 951/401 1255/303 1610/389 141/47 . 4239/1221
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