[3830] GaQP N4R(KB4KBS) Single OpMixed HP

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Sat Apr 16 08:48:13 EDT 2022

                    Georgia QSO Party - 2022

Call: N4R
Operator(s): KB4KBS
Station: KB4KBS

Class: Single OpMixed HP
QTH: Georgia
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
  160:    0      0
   80:   45      0
   40:  201    282
   20:  114     45
   15:   10     10
   10:    0      0
    6:    0      0
Total:  370    337  CW Mults = 48  Ph Mults = 51  Total Score = 106,623

Club: North Fulton Amateur Radio League


Sorry for the late post - busy week!

Notable stats:
 - Omitting NT, NU, and YT, worked 99 of 122 possible mults.  Complete miss of
only ND and HI in the US, BC, MB, NL, and PE in Canada.
 - I had a 52%/48% split between CW/PH Qs.
 - With 483 combined Qs and 62 combined mults, 40M was, as always, the
"money band".
 - Total Time on the air was 18:17, or 91% of the event.
 - Notable runs:
   - 2022-04-09 2050 - 2145Z,    7279 kHz, 55 Qs, 59.5/hr N4R 
   - 2022-04-09 2156 - 0052Z,    7028 kHz, 93 Qs, 31.8/hr N4R 
   - 2022-04-10 0054 - 0155Z,    7283 kHz, 100 Qs, 98.1/hr N4R 
   - 2022-04-10 0200 - 0246Z,    3530 kHz, 45 Qs, 59.0/hr N4R 
   - 2022-04-10 0306 - 0359Z,    7243 kHz, 68 Qs, 76.1/hr N4R 
   - 2022-04-10 2112 - 2244Z,    7037 kHz, 68 Qs, 44.2/hr N4R 

 - I ran 18WPM for most of the contest and fought the urge to speed up. My
rationale is that I wanted to be "approachable" by novice and mediocre
CW ops.  It might have hurt my score a bit, but then again it might have helped
as well.

 - I will sponsor a plaque for highest score, any category, for stations from
the provinces of BC, AB, MB, and SK next year if it will get more activity from
them! (shout outs to VA6DJ, VA6TVA, & VE5WD)

 - I could have probably made more total Qs if I had stayed on PH longer (in
2021 as a PH only op I had 735 Qs for the entire event), but my score would have

 - I will be interested to see the CW/PH percentages of the other Mixed entries.
 If an entry has 18 hours of CW and 2 hours of PH, it would qualify for the
"Mixed" category, but I would suggest that maybe to be fair, some
minimum split should be considered.  Using either hours or Q totals, a 60/40 or
70/30 split really ought to be a condition for "the "Mixed"

 - At around 5PM local I went to 40M PH and ran 58 stations over 60 minutes.
Then I went to 40M CW and for the next three hours worked 92 stations until just
before 9PM local. Then I went back to 40M PH and worked another 100 stations on
40M PH from 9PM-10PM. That was a blast!

 - I used an amplifier for the first time ever in a contest and while I was only
running 300-500 watts, I realized that for the first time ever I could really
"talk past my ears".  An interesting lesson I will need to remember
for the future.

 - Half of my 1:42 "off time" was two periods on Sunday afternoon when
Gizmo needed to explore his territory and re-mark it as his exclusive domain. 
The other half was a dinner break on Saturday evening.

Radio: Yaesu FT-450D
Tuner: MFJ-939 Tuner
       MFJ-949B (Back-up Tuner)
Amplifier: Dentron MLA-2500
Keyer: MORTTY v.3 Electronic Keyer
Paddles: Bencher BY-2 Iambic Paddles
Antennas: G5RV Dipole Antenna @ ~15M AGL 
          20M 1/4wave Ground Plane Vertical @ ~ 5M AGL
          40M Inverted V Dipole @ ~14M AGL (ctr)
Pwr/Swr Meter: Diawa CN-901
Software: N1MM+
Caffeine Source: Red Bull

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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