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Sun Apr 24 09:31:53 EDT 2022

                    SPDX RTTY Contest - 2022

Call: VY2LI
Operator(s): VY2LI
Station: VY2LI

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 8.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   40:   59    30
   20:   66    28
   15:   20    17
Total:  145    75  Continents = 5  Total Score = 435,375

Club: Maritime Contest Club


Wow, one of the most exciting finishes for this little pistol ever! Arose Sunday
morning with a little over an hour remaining in the test. I had retired knowing
that I had not worked the South American continent...unbelievable! I had
resigned myself to the fact and figured I would spin the dial one more time
before the contest closed. Wait! The first signal I hear on 15 is PT7BI!
What...is this real? He's not strong but then I am running 55 watts and low
wires. Could we make it? The first call attracted his attention; alas, he could
not get my call correct. After several minutes, we moved on. I dabbled on 20,
working a few more stations and before shutting down, had one more look on 15.
PT7BI still there call CQ SPDX. I gave it one more shot and we were successful,
exchanging the same serial numbers. Now, is that Karma or what! Thank you sir
for that big bump in the score with my last contact! Thanks for all the Q's. 73,
Yaesu FT-950, N1MM
Rigblaster Pro, wires

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