[3830] NAQP CW N5RZ Single Op Assisted LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 7 02:39:15 EDT 2022

                    North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: N5RZ
Operator(s): N5RZ
Station: N5RZ

Class: Single Op Assisted LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   30    16
   80:  157    48
   40:  205    53
   20:  469    60
   15:  300    56
   10:  148    31
Total: 1309   264  Total Score = 345,576

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club

Team: The Zoomers


Started on 15M  which was hot.   Had 195 Qs first hour on 15M, interleaving 7
Q's on 10M for a 202 hour. Fun!    I knew I'd better hit 10M the second hour and
had a decent run there.   My station isn't optimized for 10M, so did OK there
for what I have.  

Good runs till I went to 40M.   My 4 square on 40M is woefully inadequate for
stateside, and I can only fire one direction at  a time.  A yagi is in the works
there.   80M and 160M were very noisy, though 80M was reasonably productive.   
Was thankful for what I got on 160M.   Very little 2BSIQ - my brain just isn't
wired for that.  Kudos to those who can do it.   Finished up at 0500Z.

A great time!  Thanks to all for the QSO's1

FLEX 6600  100W
10M:  Force 12 C19XR @ 100' rotary (also used on 20M)
15M:  6 el M2 @ 90' fixed NE + Tennadyne T-11 LP @ 50' rotary
20M:  Force 12 C19XR @ 100' rotary + E/W dipole @ 50'
40M:  4 square
80M: Inverted Vee @ 70'
160M:  Inverted Vee @ 80'
No receive antennas for low bands - still broken
N1MM+ Logging Software.  K5NA DX Cluster

73,  Gator

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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