[3830] KsQP KG4IGC Single Op LP

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Mon Aug 29 07:43:59 EDT 2022

                    Kansas QSO Party - 2022

Call: KG4IGC
Operator(s): KG4IGC
Station: KG4IGC

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: South Carolina
Operating Time (hrs): 11:39

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   80:    1      0      0
   40:   21      1      0
   20:   64     56      0
   15:    1      1      0
   10:    0      0      0
    6:    0      0      0
Total:  105     58      0  Mults = 59  Total Score = 22,343

Club: Swamp Fox Contest Group


Despite the bands not performing well this weekend I had pretty good luck in the
Kansas QSO Party. This is one of my favorite competitions and glad that I
decided to participate this year. I did not see any Swamp Foxes.  I did see a
station who was on a county line call Dave WN4APF on 20 meters Sunday, but I
could not hear him at all. Most contacts were made on 20 meters, and 40 was slow
but steady at certain times of the day. 10 & 15 refused to open, but did
manage to work KS4KS on 15 meter voice. 80 was very disappointing with only one
Q on Saturday night. I had plenty of BIC time but you can only do what you can
do if the bands don't want to cooperate.

 A big shout out to the mobile stations, they did a fantastic job of covering
the state both Saturday and Sunday which gave me and others the ability to work
a lot of counties that I would not have got without them. I tried my best to
work as many of the 1X1 calls, but there were a few that were very hard to find.
Hopefully I can spell out at least four of the words, bit I don't think I will
get the Medical Challenge as I am unable to find K0V, W0V, or N0V. I saw one of
them a couple of times on the spectrum scope, but nothing was heard. 

Saturday was full throttle and I was kept busy pretty much the entire day
chasing mobiles around the state. QSB was minimal on 20 meters, as was the noise
which made pulling the weak signals out much easier. Many county lines were
worked, and sometimes if you were lucky you could get four counties at once.
Sunday was really slow, and once again, 20 meters was about the only place to
be. I did pick one or two stations on 40 meters, but the band was pretty much
dead most of the day. I overheard one of the Kansas stations say that we had a
solar flare earlier in the afternoon which would explain the lousy band
conditions. In the end, I  managed to work 60 counties of which the ones that I
worked were scattered throughout the state. Many TNX to all the operators for
their hard work and dedication in making this a successful and fun QSO Party. 

Rig: Yaesu FT-DX3000
SDR Play for Pan-adapter
PWR: 100 Watts
Antennas: 272\\\\\\\' Horizontal Loop, 2X 20/40 Super Loops, Ground mounted Gap
Challenger, Maco V/5/8 vertical, 160 meter Inverted L

Live in South Carolina and enjoy contesting? Check out SC\'s premier contesting
club! www.swampfoxcontestgroup.com

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