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Mon Feb 14 08:13:00 EST 2022

                    CQ WPX RTTY Contest - 2022

Call: ON3DI
Operator(s): ON3DI
Station: ON3DI

Class: SOSB/80 QRP
Operating Time (hrs): 22

 Band  QSOs
   80:  278
Total:  278  Prefixes = 209  Total Score = 232,826

Club: Italian Contest Club


Hi everyone

My first WPX RTTY since 2019, promotion at work and covid were the reasons.
After a really good WW RTTY (claimed win) on 80m qrp, the plan was to do the
same in this contest. 

I saw some pictures of aurora and knew that it could be bad. Honestly, I
understand now more that cw operators stick to cw. I had so much fun during the
cq ww cw with a personal best of more then 1500 qso's. Rates were fun, it was
different during this contest. Anyway must consider the fact that I have chosen
a category that isn't popular.
I contest with dx lab, did an update the day before the contest, 3min before the
contest I saw some changess in settings.

About the contest. The start was ok with 18 and 22 qso's/hour. Those 22 was my
best hour during the contest. I heard more USA then expected with the
conditions, but I couldn't work them. One USA heard ON3DI, but he missed my
serial number. Highlight of the first session was CR3DX and EA8AH. CR3DX must
have really good rx antenna, most of the time what the conditions are, they are
a certitude. 
After the first two hours the rate really dropped and around 4utc I went to bed,
64 qso's. I wasn't tired but it had no sence... Hoping that the second shift
would be better.

And that was the case but not like during a cq ww rtty. Persume the scoresystem
is a reason for that. W4PK, thank you for the qso! Happy that at least one USA
station was in the log. Had to repeat several times my serial number. K9CT and
company, wasn't possible to work them. I had some good hours with 15+qso's/h but
after midnight rates dropped dramaticly and around 3 utc I went to bed. Had not
point to stay awake for 3 qso's/hour. Had 200 qso's in the log, really wanted to
end above 250 qso's in the contest and that would be possible.

Last shift is normally endless hoping to find some qso's, that was this time a
bit better. Think some stations checked 80m, calling CQ had sence. Nice when
TF1AM came back to my CQ! 

Am someone who needs targets and the score of LY5G (winner of last year) was the
goal. The prefixes were easier then the amount of qso's. Anyway at the end I
broke both.

Would like to thank DL, without them this contest would have been a disaster. 89
DL's in the log, the next country was I with 25, so a big gap between them.
My average is below 10 qso's/hour, that is low for 22 hours of contesting.
My score is similar to my score of 2016 and then I won the contest, conditions
seemed according to my 3830 report of then similar, so let's hope...

Had a lot of help of the live contest score, sometimes I was worried that it was
local that the rates dropped, but looked at the HP stations and it was the

Same drill as always, checking 3830 stories and waiting for the claimed scores!

Thanks for all the qso's!

Pieter ON3DI

ft897, 5w and fullsize dipole

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