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Mon Feb 21 21:35:46 EST 2022

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2022

Call: AD1C
Operator(s): AD1C
Station: AD1C

QTH: Colorado
Operating Time (hrs): 29

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   40:  164    62
   20:  297    73
   15:  278    72
   10:   74    34
Total:  813   241  Total Score = 587,076

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado


Radio:     ICOM IC-7610, 100 watts
Antennas:  Hy-Gain AV-640 multi-band vertical
           1/2 size G5RV dipole in attic
Software:  WriteLog for Windows

I did not prepare for this contest.  I simply sat down Friday night and kept
going until I got tired of it.  With the K-index at 2/3 all weekend, I didn't
expect things to be very good.  However, minus a few breaks and sleep, I didn't
get out of the chair until after 2359z Sunday evening (local time).

It was nice to see 15m open, even if not all the way.  10/15m seemed to be
better on Saturday than Sunday.  The afternoon polar opening to Scandinavia
appeared on 15m both days.  I was able to pick up SM and OH on Saturday but
never heard LN8W.  He called me Sunday morning.

I got through several large pileups by transmitting +/- 100-200 Hz.  This
allowed me to spend very little time in the 4U1UN pileup on 20m Sunday
afternoon.  If you all call the DX on the spotted frequency, you will wait in
line longer than you have to do.  The worst pileup I heard all weekend was NH2DX
on 15m Sunday afternoon.  The callers just never stopped.  I never tried.

Some memorable QSOs:

* M5B on 10m at 1816z on Saturday.  I had heard and worked a few far western
Europeans (CT, EA, F), but didn't hear anything else from the continent until
M5B appeared out of nowhere with a good signal.  I found no other stations from

* Sunday morning around 0615z, I got bored of 40m and decided to see if there
was any life left on 20m, maybe pick up something in the Pacific.  I heard a few
ZLs, but the big surprise was ZS1C with a good signal, about two hours after his
local sunrise (+/-)!  He went into the log easily.  He was the only ZS I worked
all weekend.

* 9M6NA was calling CQ on 20m Sunday morning, and they had a decent signal,
despite running only 100W.  I knew from having worked them Saturday morning on
40m that they could hear.  I called once or twice and logged them at 1622z.  I
think I may have heard another YB station but I could not get their attention.

* Remember that afternoon 15m polar opening to Scandinavia I heard both days? 
On Sunday afternoon, it made it to 10m!  I logged SM2M at 2047z, but I heard no
one else.

* KL7SB had a huge signal on 10m at the start of the contest, so I hoped that
the band would open to JA at some point.  I heard nothing Friday evening or
Saturday afternoon.  I must have gone to 10m at just the right time on Sunday
afternoon, allowing me to find and log JA3YBK at 2224z.  A few minutes later he
faded into ESP territory.  I never heard any others.  I probably got to the band
too late, there may have been others on earlier than my QSO.

* I heard JR2GRX and JA3YBK on 20m Saturday morning around 1615z with very good
signals.  This was about 5 hours before their local sunrise!  I had already
logged them the night before.

I worked the following stations on all 4 bands that I operated:


Here's a breakdown of countries worked per band, thanks WriteLog.  89 different
DXCC countries.  As usual, Japan saved the day!
          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

   3D2                     1             1      1       3
  4U1U                     1      1      1              3
    5Z                            1                     1
    9A                     4      7      7             18
   9M6                     1      1                     2
    9Y                     2             1              3
    C6                     1      1      1              3
    CE                     1      1      2      5       9
    CM                     3      2      3      2      10
    CT                     1      2      3      1       7
   CT3                     2      2      2      2       8
    CU                            1      1              2
    CX                     1             3      1       5
    D4                     1      1             1       3
    DL                     2     14     15             31
    E7                     1      2      1              4
    EA                     7     12     13      1      33
   EA6                     2      2      1              5
   EA8                     3      3      1              7
    ES                     1      2                     3
    EU                            1                     1
     F                     4      6      8      1      19
    FK                                          1       1
    FM                     1      1      1      1       4
    FY                     1             1              2
     G                     1     11      7      1      20
    GD                                   1              1
    GI                            1      1              2
    GM                            2      2              4
    GW                            1      1              2
    HA                     5     10      6             21
    HB                            2      2              4
   HB0                            1      1              2
    HC                                   2              2
    HK                     1                    1       2
    HL                                   1              1
    HP                     1             1      1       3
    HR                     1      1      1      1       4
     I                     5     12     19             36
    J3                                   1              1
    JA                    30     41     60      1     132
     K                                   1              1
   KH6                    11     10     11      9      41
    KL                     1      5      2      1       9
   KP2                     4      2      3      2      11
   KP4                     5      4      4      2      15
    LA                     1      3      1              5
    LU                     3      8      6      9      26
    LX                            1                     1
    LY                     1      4      1              6
    LZ                     2      2      1              5
    OA                     1      1      1      1       4
    OE                            2      1              3
    OH                     2     12      5             19
   OH0                            1                     1
    OK                     3      8      4             15
    OM                     5      3      2             10
    ON                            1      2              3
    OX                     1      1      1              3
    P4                     1      2      1      1       5
    PA                            5      1              6
   PJ2                     1      1      1      1       4
   PJ4                                   1              1
    PY                     1      6     11      7      25
    S5                     7      9      6             22
    SM                     2      7      2      1      12
    SP                     1      5      2              8
    SV                                   1              1
    TF                                   1              1
    TG                     1      1      1              3
    TI                     2      1      1      2       6
    UA                     1      9      1             11
   UA2                            1                     1
   UA9                     3      7      6             16
    UR                     2      3      1              6
    V3                     2      2      3      2       9
    V4                     2      2      2      1       7
    VK                     2      1      3      1       7
   VP5                     1      1      1              3
    XE                     2      5      5      4      16
    YB                     1                            1
    YL                     1      4                     5
    YO                            1                     1
    YU                     1      2      1              4
    Z3                            1                     1
    ZF                     2      2      3      2       9
    ZL                     3      4      5      5      17
    ZP                            1             1       2
    ZS                            1                     1

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