[3830] FlQP N4CW Multi-Op MobileCW LP

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Sun May 1 22:37:10 EDT 2022

                    Florida QSO Party - 2022

Call: N4CW
Operator(s): N4CW W4TMO
Station: N4CW

Class: Multi-Op MobileCW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:    54     
   20:  2360     
   15:   144     
Total:  2558    0  CW Mults = 69  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 706,008

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Note: things don't always go as planned! Duhhhh... Our intent was for Jim to
operate phone and I'd operate CW. Well, first off, there was some interaction
between rigs causing a high noise level in the phone rig. After a brief attempt
at fixing the problem, we decided not to do SSB and chose to do CW only. 
We both took turns during the days working the pileups and driving. Jim planned
the route very well and the GPS didn't let us down. We didn't cover as many
counties as last year, but were effective in our execution.
This year's weather wasn't very pleasant; it rained both days, intermittently on
Saturday, but most of Sunday! And speaking of Sunday, propagation was just awful
for the first five hours! By afternoon, it was as good as Saturday's!
There were many many stations that worked us regularly. THANK  YOU!!! And
another big THANK YOU for your fine manners...great job, guys and gals!
73, Bert N4CW and Jim W4TMO

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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