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Sun May 1 23:52:21 EDT 2022

                    Florida QSO Party - 2022

Call: K1LT
Operator(s): K1LT
Station: K1LT

QTH: Ohio EM89ps
Operating Time (hrs): 15
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   59      0
   20:  241      9
   15:   27      3
   10:    3      0
Total:  330     12  CW Mults = 67  Ph Mults = 12  Total Score = 55,616

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Scoring note: the score above is the mixed score including the 12
phone QSOs.  I'll very likely submit CW only which seems to work out
to 44220 points.

This event was my first ever Florida QSO Party.  Jim, K8MR, has been
plugging this contest for the last several club Zoom meetings, so I
thought I'd give it a try.  The rules mentioned getting noticed for
working all the 1x1 calls, so that was my goal.

My plan was not to spend 20 hours in front of the radio, especially
since there were antennas to repair, grass to mow, and last-minute
boss demands.  Nevertheless, the logger says 15 hours, which can;t be
completely accurate because I spent part of the time writing a Python
script (the boss demand) while listening for one of the mobiles to
change counties.  I also took about an hour Saturday during some rare
nice weather to get the tree off my north/south Beverage.

I was very impressed by the number of mobiles and even the number of
stations that changed location occasionally.  172 of my 342 QSOs were
with stations that operated from more than one location during the

Mobiles and rovers versus number of counties:
    K1XX 31
    K4OJ 28
    N4CW 26
    W4AN 24
    N4FP 20
    K8MR 17
    AD4ES 15
    AA4TI 4
    N4DAB 3
    NN2T 2
    K4NYM 2

Especially impressive is the fact that K1XX operated from at least 31
of the 67 counties.  Visiting half the counties in any state in a
weekend is quite a drive, and Florida is a large state.

W4AN made me particularly nervous by disappearing for a while just
before entering Gulf county, which was the last county I needed for a
CW county sweep.  The presumably most populous county, Dade, was next
to last to reveal itself.

I worked 24 Nx1s and W4D and not N4D by early Saturday afternoon.
Since that goal was met early, I didn't think about it any more.
Sunday I saw just one spot for N4D on phone, so now I am wondering if
not chasing after N4D was a mistake.  After wondering for a few
minutes I started watching for more N4D spots but saw none.  Reading
comprehension alert: I went back and looked again at the Silver
Spelling Bee web page, and FCG told me which callsigns to look for, so
I fail by stupidity.  Oh well.

Missed K8MR in his first Sunday county because when I pressed "F4" my
amplifier hissed instead of amplifying and Jim promptly left the
frequency.  There was a smell of ozone but the amp seemed to work just
fine after that.  Silly Alpha.

Called many mobiles on 15 meters but very few were able to hear me.
Quite frequently the Europeans calling Florida were quite loud while
the 4s were very weak.  I made 3 contacts on 10 meters on Saturday.
40 meters seemed to be better Sunday than Saturday.  40 was completely
dead to Florida for the first 6 hours Saturday.

All QSOs were search and pounce.  I never touched the F1 key.

Equipment: K3S/100, P3, 8410, K3/100, P3, ETO91B, homebrew SO2R stuff,
tribanders and verticals.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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