[3830] FlQP N8II SOABMixed LP

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Mon May 2 12:07:14 EDT 2022

                    Florida QSO Party - 2022

Call: N8II
Operator(s): N8II
Station: N8II

Class: SOABMixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 15.6

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   73      9
   20:  242    273
   15:   22      3
   10:    0      0
Total:  337    285  CW Mults = 67  Ph Mults = 58  Total Score = 239,750

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


It has been a disappointing QP season: 75M largely abandoned, short range on 40M
during day, and most importantly a marked decrease in mobile activity. FQP
"righted the ship" in a big way: plenty of mobiles many operating
nearly the full 20 hours! (but number down a bit from 2019 maybe), plenty of
serious and casual ops, and decent conditions. I was a feeling tired Saturday
AM, not ready for a 20 hour event. After the first 90 minutes, over 100 Q's were
in the log and I was able to run FL on 20 phone, so it was more or less off to
the races after that.

The mobiles were very well organized mostly sticking to their assigned spots
making for quick QSO's with minimal effort except when the pile ups slowed me
down. 40 was closed to FL during the day as expected, but it was a surprise when
I heard no FL stations on 40 SSB around FL sunset despite having worked many
already on CW. 20M could not have been much better from here, never a serious
drop in signal levels and the band stayed open until around 01Z. 20M signals
were loudest around 23-24Z, but still loud during the day except from those
antenna challenged. K3TW with his 5W to a single delta loop was peaking nearly
20 db over S9 on 20 SSB in the 13Z hour Sunday. The solar flux decline limited
15M which was very poor to EU Saturday AM. Almost all of my 15M Q's were in the
first 2 hours. After that it was basically backscatter only except for a a weak
opening in the 13Z hour Sunday.

  Many many thanks to the mobiles who put in some serious time and mileage! K4OJ
with their multi op was a beacon on 20M, unfortunately never loud on 15 and
seldom readable/workable on 40. Jim and Bert, N4CW covered the rare panhandle
counties (along with W4AN) which made collecting them the easiest ever. Jim,
K8MR(solo) was always easy to work, always running them fast enough to prevent
pile up mayhem. N4FP provided a lot of Q's. And a special thanks to Jeff, KU8E
and John, K4BAI operating W4AN for offering early to QSY to SSB which had a
large impact on my 58 phone mults! Their pile up was insane from their last
county, Jackson near the end. As Sunday progressed the pile ups on the CW
mobiles increased to barely manageable levels. Thanks also to mobiles N4DAB,

I was beginning to doubt I could make a CW sweep Sunday morning, but the mobiles
came through after many hours with no new CW mults. The last counties worked
were K1XX, Monroe, N4CW Hardee, and K1XX Miami-Dade at 1919Z. FCG, your
assignment for next year is to get someone active from Miami-Dade and Monroe on
CW, please. My 20M SSB runs continued well into Sunday; many thanks for all of
the casual ops for calling me. I had a 20M SSB run of around 40 stations at
1430Z. The 1x1's were also very active, many thanks! Several ops on 20 phone had
very broad signals taking up way too much precious spectrum; please check your
signal before the party and make adjustments.

This is close to a personal best for me in FQP, will have to check back. Many
thanks again for a fun party.

73, Jeff

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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