[3830] NewEngQP W1DYJ Single Op LP

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Mon May 9 19:39:37 EDT 2022

                    New England QSO Party - 2022

Call: W1DYJ
Operator(s): W1DYJ
Station: W1DYJ

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5.5

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:      9       11
   40:     47       41
   20:     14        2
   15:     13        5
   10:      4        0
Total:     87       59  Mults = 18  Total Score = 4,194

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Always one of my favorite contests, this was a bit of a
disappointment. I have always looked at contests as a way
to increase my DX numbers -- and as I only need AK on 80
for 5BWAS (actually 7BWAS), I was not well motivated.  My
other current DX interests are DXCC on 160 and 6: obviously
not part of the NEQP.

Some unexpected family stuff also cropped up, so I had less
time than I thought to participate.  

I did "OK", for me.  In the middle of my previous results -- not
the best but not the worst.  I had a hard time hearing any real
mults outside of NE.

No mults >> low motivation >> low BIC >> no mults...

Rig: TS-590SG
Actual BIC = 5.5 hours
Logger: N3FJP NEQP Contest Log Version 4.3.2
   80/40  Fan dipole: trapped 80/40 [SE-NW] AND trapped
       160/75 [S-N, with North end turning a few times to
       fit in the yard] @ 35' at center, ~15'at ends
   20  HB Moxon @ 36' 
   15  Rotatable Dipole @ 33'
   10  HB 5el yagi @ 30'

73 -- Larry -- W1DYJ

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