[3830] King of Spain CW WQ6X(@W7AYT) SOAB HP

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Sun May 22 17:28:22 EDT 2022

                    His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW - 2022

Call: WQ6X
Operator(s): WQ6X
Station: W7AYT

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Anza, Ca
Operating Time (hrs): 15:38
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    0     0
   80:    4     1
   40:   32    17
   20:  182    52
   15:   64    22
   10:    5     3
Total:  287    95  Total Score = 33,725



This was another ad-HOC WQ6X remote operation from WA6TQT's QTH in Anza.
It was TOUGH to roll out of bed before 6AM.  Also on Saturday was a
Toastmasters District Conference and the Evaluation contest; NoT to
mention and ARCA Club board meeting to plan next weekend's membership
meeting.  As club President I get to mention our club: http://ARCAHAM.Com.

The King of Spain GiG left me with mixed feelings.  There were periods of
HEAVY activity and then, SILENCE.  What made the difference was a 20-meter
opening to Europe around 05:00z, despite a solar storm going on the low-bands.
We TRULY are in a period of increasing SFI.  
20-meters was like the "olden days".

Because signals were weak along with a LoT of QSB EU stations need to
SLOW DOWN; especially when your callsign contains a plethora of DITS.

LooK for a write up on this GiG at: http://WQ6X.Blogspot.com

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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