[3830] WPX CW KJ5Y M/S Classic HP

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Sun May 29 21:01:03 EDT 2022

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2022

Call: KJ5Y
Operator(s): KJ5Y KJ0D N5XZ W7SST
Station: KJ5Y

Class: M/S HP
Class Overlay: Classic 
QTH: Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 42
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs
   80:   17
   40:  497
   20:  585
   15:  461
   10:   51
Total: 1611  Prefixes = 695  Total Score = 2,472,810

Club: Texas DX Society


Alright!  Another CQ WPX in the books... we were vetting the new GXP17-4
antenna... it is a definite step change and brought some joy albeit hampered by
a bad network circuit.  Bandwidth on our remote Verizon circuit is unstable.  We
had to fight pops and clicks and drops. A solution is in the works... SKYNET!  

Thanks to all who put up with trying to understand why we could not copy code...
the chaos caused by taking out a dit here and there is infuriating and a great
cussing exercise.  Add to it 2-5 seconds delay at times = busted QSO.  We fought
through it. Rebooting modem, computer, taking a break, whatever we could do that
seemed to help.  Verizon may have been throttling our speed.  Anyway, the
GXP17-4 antenna at 188' is tremendous.

Also, thank you Mike W7SST for joining us! His first attempt at this remote
business hopefully was OK for him.  Eric made the lions share of contacts and
did the best with what we had as he always does.  I came on 0400 to about
0800... attempted to get the network to behave better for the first hour! I
tried 160 briefly- zip... so I was mostly on 80/ 40.  And special thanks to our
"beast mode" operator Allen N5XZ! He did what he could in a short
time.  With the remote giving him some challenges too.

73 from TDXS/ South Texas Remote DX Club N5XZ, KJ0D, W7SST, and yours truly KJ5Y

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