[3830] WPX CW N5JJ SOSB20 Unassisted HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun May 29 22:50:33 EDT 2022

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2022

Call: N5JJ
Operator(s): N5JJ
Station: N5JJ

Class: SOSB20 HP
Class Overlay: Unassisted 
Operating Time (hrs): 30:15

 Band  QSOs
   20: 1266
Total: 1266  Prefixes = 615  Total Score = 1,391,745



My first WPX with my new tower operating.  WOW!  What a difference.  Doubled my
score from last year.  The stack on 20M really brought in a lot of qso's when I
probably would not hear the stations on my Force-12 C31.  Band conditions were
up and down as usual.  Friday night and Saturday morning had some good runs, 
but during the day on Saturday was very slow.  Took off a couple of hours to
take a nap.  However,  Saturday nite was a different story.  Europe,  Japan, 
North America,  middle East.  At one time I was running JA's and Eu at the same
time along with VK/ZL.  What a blast.  And out of nowhere HZ CALLED ME!!!  Had a
heck of a pipeline to JA.  Sunday morning was back to dupe city so I found a
great frequency at 11:30AM and stayed there until the end of the contest. 
Worked a good number running that I would have never worked search and pounce. 
Later in the day had some big gun stations from Europe trying to steal my
frequency but that won't happen with this station now.  They all moved on when
they figured out I was not moving and they could not hear anybody to work.  A
couple of lids tried to park right next to me but they didn't stay long.  HA! 
Ops from Europe are still the worst in the world.  I guess a lot of hams don't
use logs as I kept having dupes call me later on Sunday.  But,  had a great time
 and I worked more hours in this contest than ever before.  But glad its over. 
Thanks everyone for the q's and cuagn soon.  73,  Rick,  N5JJ

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