webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon May 30 09:14:36 EDT 2022

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2022

Call: ON3DI
Operator(s): ON3DI
Station: ON3DI

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 37:37

 Band  QSOs
   80:  174
   40:  424
   20:  372
   15:   80
Total: 1050  Prefixes = 481  Total Score = 1,153,919

Club: Italian Contest Club


Hi all!

Days before the contest I checked several times how the conditions were,
everything was 'green', even 10m was good. Was looking forward to this, playing
on all bands, was dreaming of working DX on all bands! But yeah contest started
and everything was 'red', seriously again in a contestweekend... 
Last year I was sick during the contest, made 1k qso's but it was hard. This
year, only 2 goals. 1 million points and 1k qso's, ow no add a third goal,
having fun ;-)!

Must say the first hours were good, started on 20m and worked USA, went to 40m
and worked Colombia, didn't knew then it was the start of working stations that
I haven't worked in a long time. Always did S&P, band up and down. Working
big guns like D4Z, AA3B, UP2L, PJ2T, K9CT, VY2TT, ...  The first 10 hours my
average was around 45 qso's/hour. Stopped thinking about the fact that after 5
hours contesting I had already the same amount of qso's compared to a whole
contest 80m qrp rtty :-).

So were the conditions bad, not entirely, except when I went to 15m. First I
thought I went to soon. Honestly am not that experienced yet in cw contesting so
it is still a journey. Anyway day passed and 15m wasn't like I hoped. Made some
qso's Southern qso's. D4Z was booming and easy, but what did I expect :p Sunday
was better on 15m.

10m was a disaster, just some tiny beeps on Sunday I haven't heard anything. Bit
confused about a lot of other stations who have some qso's but I persume they
have some better antennas ;-).

Basicly I went a 2 band contest, 20m and 40m. Was pushing hard on saturday
because I was affraid that the rates would drop on sunday and the 1k qso mark
would be missed. On Saturdayevening I had a highlight for my station, worked
USA, Canada, JT, JA, HZ, PY in just a half hour. Sometimes I can be happy to
work just one JA or so, this time it went better ;-). The DX party came alive on
20m, worked USA 'one after the other', even a BA7 in between. Had fun ;-).
Around midnight UTC I went to bed with around 700 qso's, wanted to sleep a few
hours and do the same on 40m, it worked out, happy with the gamble! Score rised,
knew that the 1 million point mark would be possible!

And then Sunday... Did the rates dropped yes but... Did I work nice DX, YES!!!
EX0M was the first, calling on 20m and worked easily. Second time in my career I
worked EX, nice! But sorry not the contestqso... BD7 on 15m wasn't either.
Neither was E2E, KL7RA was also very long ago. VK6T on 40m was a good
possibility but no oscar goes to NH7T. Hear him calling and do you know the
feeling, press F4 but don't expect a respons, yes it was that. KH6ZM was the
first years ago on 15m RTTY and the only one. Happy I could work Hawaii on
another band (20m). 

1k qso barriere was hit, pressure was of and went to 80m to work some Europeans.
Must say the 80m isn't that crowded like during a cq ww. Was thinking about to
quit with 1000 qso's but then I thought, why not ending with more qso's then
last year (1048) so I pushed a bit and rates were at the end more then good
enough, surprisingly! So was a bit longer qrv then the 36h mark in the rules.

1. Worked in a contest JA, BY, HZ, VK, E2, JT, PY, HK, KL7, NH7, EX. JA en BY
more then once. The amount and quality for my station unusual!
2. Missed 9N7AA, tried hard and several times, the only qso I had the feeling I
missed it. Would have been an ATNO. Anyway convinced it will be possible in the
3. 270 qso's were DX, around 1/4, happy with that!
4. Not a single time I called CQ! Still learning where I have to be and when.
Sure it will be different in the future.
5. My average in the whole contest is 28 qso's/hour, happy with that! If 10m and
15m are fully open, funparty!
6. Working with a fullsize dipole for 80m and a multiband vertical combined with
25w, proud with the quality and result! Often I read about small stations,
consider myself without a beam (what I have felt on 15m and 10m) as a small
7. Was a contest without some big guns from UR and R, will not open the
discussion but happy some UR worked remote like I suggested months ago!
8. Top DXCC USA 169 DL 96 I 63 SP 56 OK 45 EA 40

Honestly if I am 2nd, 3th... all band Belgium, don't care, I had fun! So all the
three goals are achieved! Looking forward to IARU HF, would be nice if 10m and
15m then are fully open, can we agree about that ;-)?! Will be all band cw 25w.

Thanks for all the qso's!

Pieter ON3DI

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