[3830] WPX CW NC8C(W1NN) SOAB Unassisted TB-Wires LP

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Mon May 30 09:22:53 EDT 2022

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2022

Call: NC8C
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: W1NN

Class: SOAB LP
Class Overlay: Unassisted TB-Wires 
QTH: Ohio
Operating Time (hrs): 33
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
  160:   10
   80:   68
   40:  521
   20:  578
   15:  302
   10:   24
Total: 1503  Prefixes = 637  Total Score = 2,142,868

Club: North Coast Contesters


Thanks to the North Coast Contesters for the use of the club call!

This was an unassisted operation using only dipoles.  My main goal this year was
to beat last year's score that was achieved operating remote from Japan.  It was
not such an easy task and I only made 50 more contacts this year.  I don't know
if that is a commentary on how good remoting has become or how poorly I was
operating this year.  The former I hope.

I operated the whole day on Saturday but I had a couple of things to do on
Sunday.  I was careless about my off times and ended up taking a couple of 50
minute breaks which don't count as breaks.  As a result, I couldn't operate for
the last 40 minutes which is usually a very productive time.  Note to self: 
manage your off-times better. Actual operating time was closer to 33 hours.

Sunday afternoon resembled Sunday afternoon in Sweepstakes.

It's a real shame that I have almost no calls beginning with "U" in my
log.  I thought ham radio was supposed to be non-political. If I couldn't work
hams from US states whose governments I don't agree with, I wouldn't be able to
contact half of the country.

CU in the next one!

73, Hal W1NN op of NC8C

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