[3830] CQWW CW JA8RWU SOAB Classic LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Nov 28 06:32:49 EST 2022

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2022

Call: JA8RWU
Operator(s): JA8RWU
Station: JA8RWU

Class: SOAB LP
Class Overlay: Classic 
QTH: Sapporo
Operating Time (hrs): 24:19

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    6     3        4
   80:   16     9        9
   40:  104    21       38
   20:  169    23       52
   15:  212    29       46
   10:  126    24       39
Total:  633   109      188  Total Score = 446,688



Nice to have condx on 15&10 again. The condx was better on higher bands this
year than the last year as the following claimed summaries show.
Glad to have more than a hundred zone total thru six bands.
This time I worked late at nite for a few hours instead of daylight hours on the
second day for low bands mults, so mults increased on low bands as well as on
high bands.
Thrilled to work some rare DX stations and weak stations who have good ears :-)
Did not work any AF&Caribbean except one AF in WWSSB, but did work
3B8,CT3,EA8,ZF this time luckily.
Still need much better condx for fun and some real runs from a small station
As always had fun and nice to hear many old/new friends over the world.
Again mni tnx for picking me up, guys!

Inv.Vs(160-40m) on the 11mtrs pole
+ Inv.Vs(20-10m) and a butternut vertical(80-10m) both on the roof.

73's Akira, JA8RWU

====2022CQWWCW Claimed==============
Operating Time (hrs): 24:19
Band    QSOs     Pts  ZN   Cty  Pt/Q
1.8       6       9    3    4   1.5
3.5      16      23    9    9   1.4
  7     104     255   21   38   2.5
 14     169     428   23   52   2.5
 21     212     502   29   46   2.4
 28     126     287   24   39   2.3
Total   633    1504  109  188   2.4
Score : 446,688

===2021CQWWCW Claimed===============
Operating Time (hrs): 24:34
Band    QSOs     Pts  ZN   Cty  Pt/Q
1.8       4       3    2    3   0.8
3.5      12      14    7    6   1.2
  7      66     167   15   28   2.5
 14     248     578   22   50   2.3
 21     224     537   23   44   2.4
 28      32      73   11   15   2.3
Total   586    1372   80  146   2.3
Score : 310,072

===2022 Continent Summary=================================
               160   80   40   20   15   10  Total    Pct
North America    0    1   32   33   70   26   162   25.6
South America    0    0    3    3    4    7    17    2.7
Europe           2    2   35   80   42   22   183   28.9
Asia             4   11   28   39   65   45   192   30.3
Africa           0    0    1    3    1    1     6    0.9
Oceania          0    2    5   11   30   25    73   11.5
Total            6   16  104  169  212  126   633

===2021 Continent Summary=================================
               160   80   40   20   15   10  Total    Pct
North America    0    1   13   40   64    0   118   20.1
South America    0    0    0    2    4    2     8    1.4
Europe           0    1   33  114   53    0   201   34.3
Asia             4   10   15   80   67   11   187   31.9
Africa           0    0    0    1    1    0     2    0.3
Oceania          0    0    5   11   35   19    70   11.9
Total            4   12   66  248  224   32   586

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