[3830] ARRL Sep VHF N2NT Limited Multi-Op HP

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Mon Sep 12 12:32:59 EDT 2022

                    ARRL September VHF Contest - 2022

Call: N2NT
Operator(s): N2NT N2NC WW2Y
Station: N2NT

Class: Limited Multi-Op HP
QTH: FN20si
Operating Time (hrs): 27

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  180    49
    2:  268    59
  222:   64    29
  432:   88    29
Total:  600   166  Total Score = 124,334

Club: Mt Airy VHF Radio Club


This was our first contest with our new Beko 432 HLV-1470 amplifier.  Nice to
have a KW on 432.  Also nice to not have to continually adjust the tuning on the
old Henry amplifier it replaced.  3dB extra on 432 TX made a difference.  We got
close to breaking 100 QSOs on 432.  

I didn’t get a chance during the week to get my K3 setup for our 2 meter
station and left that task for Saturday morning.  That K3 is showing its age and
seems to have some intermittent connections on the KIO3 audio jacks.  I used
about 2 hours of setup time getting the audio hookups for WSJT-X working. 
Somehow, everything was functional by 1730Z.  

Bands were enhanced to New England most of the weekend.  First 2m QSO was a loud
N1BUG  on SSB.  That’s over 400 miles!  Best tropo contact on 2m was KK4MA @
559 miles (FT8).

Thanks to everyone for the QSOs.  Looking forward to the January contest.


John N2NC, for the N2NT VHF crew.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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