[3830] ARRL Sep VHF K2QO/R Rover LP

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Mon Sep 12 13:11:43 EDT 2022

                    ARRL September VHF Contest - 2022

Call: K2QO/R
Operator(s): K2QO
Station: K2QO/R

Class: Rover LP
Operating Time (hrs): 18.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  104    19
    2:   93    24
  222:   55    15
  432:   61    15
  903:   28     8
  1.2:   33    10
  2.3:   19     4
  3.4:   10     5
Total:  403   101  Total Score = 73,528

Club: Niagara Frontier Radiosport


The "thank you" list for this contest is simply too long and I will
surely miss someone, but here goes.

1. The Management Team at RVHFG: What a job! They've reinvigorated many club
members new and old and the activity in WNY was GREAT. The microwave bands are
back too, big time.

2. The crew at the W2CCC World HQ Contest Compound. Having this QTH as a home
base makes this contest more than just a normal VHF rove.

3. N2JMH, W2FU, K2TER, K1TEO, KOSM, KF2MR/r, KG6CIH/r, and WB1GQR: These guys
were able to work me on 2.3 and 3.4 with my hastily tossed together setup. I
only received the 3.4G unit from Bulgaria a day before the contest.

My other list is the usual post-contest repair stuff. Hopefully, I can chip away
at this for January.

All in all, this was one of my best VHF scores ever. The high level of activity
made it hard to find the time to answer text requests for skeds. It is nice to
have high-class problems for a change :-)

In case you are interested, the equipment is the following:
Flex 6500 and Q5 5BVUX for 6-1296.
Mirage amps for 222 and 432. 
RM Italy amp for 2m.

FT817 to a switch box feeding an old DEMI 2.4G and new SG-Lags 3.4G. This 817
needs to morph to an IC-705. Not having a bandscope is like piloting a plane
through the Alps with blacked-out windows. Not seeing signals on the bands
simply adds up to lost Qs.

Antennas are short loopers for 1296-3.4, a WA5VJB Cheap Yagi on 902, M2 rover
length for 2, 222, and 432, and a Par Omni for 6m. Pretty standard stuff as they

Almost all outside cabling is 1/4" Superflex.

CU all in January es 73,
Mark K2QO/r

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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