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Tue Sep 27 00:10:28 EDT 2022

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY - 2022

Call: W6QU
Operator(s): W8QZA
Station: W6QU

QTH: San Diego
Operating Time (hrs): 28.1

 Band  QSOs  State/Prov  DX  Zones
   80:   15       10      2     2
   40:   52       20      6     7
   20:   54       24     10    11
   15:  124       35     29    17
   10:   54       16     20    14
Total:  299      105     67    51  Total Score = 113,507

Club: Southern California Contest Club



Radio: Yaesu FT-817, 5 Watts

  10-15-20 Meters: 3 el Stepp-IR up 32 feet
  40 Meters: 1/4 wave vertical with 3 radials
  40 & 160 Meters: DX-LB trap dipole up 30 feet
  80 Meters: Inverted L with 2 radials

Now that all the major DX contests are publishing raw scores a week or two after
the contest, there is not much reason to have 3830 for these contests except to
read the comments, ...which I love to do!

The contest started poorly for me. I called station after station, and none came
back to me.  Checked everything and no luck, everything seemed to be working
perfectly. I quit, helped out with the grandsons, had dinner, when it occurred
to me to check the RTTY settings. The Mark had somehow been changed and I was
transmitting about 1 KHz off frequency. So I lost the first 2 1/2 hours of
operation. But that was it and everything worked perfectly for the rest of the

Conditions were decent. While I worked only two Europe stations on Saturday, I
was able to get 14 on Sunday, a few on 20 and most on 15.  I never heard a
European station on 10 Meters.

My best QSO was VK9DX on 40 Meters, ...on one call. As with most of my contests,
I was entirely S&P with no CQing.

I think I heard one Russian station being worked during the entire contest,
consistent with the ruling to have Russian and Byelorussian Qs not count in the
CQ contests. I also heard D2UY CQing who (I think) claims to be in that section
of Ukraine presently occupied by Russian forces. I didn't hear anyone call back
to his very strong sig.

Contest season is back!  See you all in the CQWWDX SSB contest!

...Bill  W6QU - W8QZA

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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