[3830] 222FallSprnt K1WHS Single Op HP

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Wed Sep 28 12:54:18 EDT 2022

                    222 MHz Fall Sprint - 2022

Call: K1WHS
Operator(s): K1WHS
Station: K1WHS

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: FN43mj
Operating Time (hrs): 4

Total:  QSOs = 39  Mults = 21  Total Score = 819

Club: North East Weak Signal Group


It took some doing to get ready for the 222 MHz Sprint. My AC power source had
been acting up and was not working, so my recent 222 activity had been all on
battery power. I finally got the generator running and then had to re configure
all the cables to allow normal AC operation with my KW amplifier. I was up at
the shack an hour early so I could re wire everything.  
    There was a twist when the sprint started. The Moon was hanging low just
south of West and was about 4.4 degrees above the horizon. I started on EME and
had fun trying to snag some signals off the Moon. I was quite surprised when my
first 222 Sprint QSO was NH6Y in BL10. I also worked WA4NJP and W4ZST, both in
EM84. There was another caller but the Moon didn't stop descending below the
horizon and I could not complete. I did manage 3 QSOs in about 18 minutes!
   Local conditions were not very good. I monitor a few beacons and they were
all way down from normal summertime levels.I worked N1BUG in FN55 off the back
of my beam. Normally he is S5 or S6. This time, he was about S2 when he called.
Activity was quite high up until about 0130 UT or so. I worked WA3EOQ easily at
503 miles on CW. VE3ZV in EN92 was also another nice catch on CW at about 470
miles I think. I missed with K3SK in FM07. We tried but nothing heard. OK, it is
a bit far at 570 miles but he has a great setup with 4 yagis and a KW. I ran an
FT8 sked with N3PUU who has 20 watts and a small LP antenna. He is 350 miles
away and we heard zilch on our FT8 sked. About 20 minutes later I was CQing on
SSB and N3PUU called in with a good signal on SSB!  Go figure!
   Big signals heard in northern New England included K1TEO, N1JEZ, K1TR, AF1
Tortelini, and K1OR. K1DY and N1BUG were very loud when I turned the antenna
around that way. K1DY got on at about 02:30UT and had a mini pileup for a new
grid, FN54. Other good signals from farther away included W3ICC, WA2ONK,
N2NT,WW2Y, N2SLN and (always) W1XR in FM19!  I tried a meteor attempt in the
last half hour with N0URW, but I messed up big time. I aimed my rotatable
antenna towards him but forgot to select it and ran the sked with my fixed
antenna that was pointed 50 degrees off his heading. Dan actually heard me quite
well. I heard nil and then things dried up for him. I noticed my huge antenna
error and we tried again in the last few minutes. We heard each other both ways,
but never exchanged rogers as we ran out of time at 0300 UT. 
   All in all it was a fun evening. I was very happy that I had AC power again
as well. Thanks to all who sponsor and tabulate the Sprints!

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