[3830] NA Sprint SSB K0EU LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Apr 23 16:57:20 EDT 2023

                    NA Sprint SSB Contest - April

Call: K0EU
Operator(s): K0EU
Station: K0EU

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Op Time
   80:   54       1
   40:   71       1
   20:  128       2
Total:  253    Mults = 55  Total Score = 13,915

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado

Team: GMCC Avs


Big thanks to Bill K0UK for encouraging two full teams from GMCC. Sorry I missed
N7WY and W0PSY.
Once again, it seems I got lucky on multipliers. I only missed one real
opportunity when a jump ball on a VE1 went to another station in zero land. That
was the only time I heard him. I may have heard a VE4 calling in a small pileup,
but never heard from Manitoba again. It was nice of Pat N9RV to get on with 10
minutes to go and provide MT for my last mult. I'm sure he gave a few others a
nice little present near the end.

See you in the next one.

73 Randy/Ken K0EU

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