[3830] WPX SSB W6JBR SOAB Classic HP

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Sat Apr 1 16:01:17 EDT 2023

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB - 2023

Call: W6JBR
Operator(s): W6JBR
Station: W6JBR

Class: SOAB HP
Class Overlay: Classic 
QTH: Oceanside CA USA
Operating Time (hrs): 4:35

 Band  QSOs
   80:    9
   40:   25
   20:    7
   15:   48
   10:   17
Total:  106  Prefixes = 80  Total Score = 20,480

Club: Southern California Contest Club


I got to play a bit in CQ WPX SSB, with the goal of making at least 100 Qs.
Conditions were excellent. I worked the CY0S Sable Island DXPedition- a new one
for me! I spent the majority of my time on 15 meters, which was in excellent
shape, as was 10. I again used my FLEX-3000, rather than my K3, finding it
easier for S&P using the efficient point & click capability of this
PC-based SDR. I am also very pleased with the receiver capabilities, which seem
on par with the K3. It is nice to have two great American-made transceivers at
my main operating position- three, if I count my mint vintage Drake TR-4CW
sitting nearby! 

Thanks for the Qs. I hope to see you again next time.



ACOM 1000
Dell Optiplex i5 WIN10

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