[3830] MARAC N8II SO FixedMixed LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Fri Aug 4 12:25:29 EDT 2023

                    MARAC US Counties QSO Party - 2023

Call: N8II
Operator(s): N8II
Station: N8II

Class: SO FixedMixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:    1      4
   20:   33    534
   15:    3      0
Total:   37    538  CW Mults = 33  Ph Mults = 376  Total Score = 419,634

Club: Western NY DX Association


A viscous storm hit here Friday at 2130Z. I was out still cleaning up branches
at the start of the party, started 0052Z. Branches were not all cleaned up until
Wednesday AM. The storm took out the top 20 ft. of neighbors 50 ft. high pine
tree and many large trees about a half mile north of me. We lost
cable/internet/landline service until Tuesday afternoon (last close lightening
strike, ugh!). I also had a XYL's family reunion Saturday brunch followed by a
"lovely" 45 minute call with Comcast to schedule repairs. So, I was
not expecting to do much in the MARAC party, Hi!

But au contraire conditions were outstanding on 20M for almost all of my 10
hours of operating with sporadic E to all of my neighboring states except MD and
DE at some time. The closest 20M Es contact was with Henrico Co., VA at 23Z only
126 miles away! I also worked about the same time Chesterfield, VA 141 miles
away. Skip was very short to the S, SW, and NE at the same time with many New
England QSO's.
Sunday morning I worked NE PA, NJ, and NY in addition to New England. There was
only limited Es near the end to the SW, but still plenty of stations calling
right until 24Z. As sunset approached and later all 3 evenings conditions to the
west coast were excellent. I found a gold mine of casual operators willing to
give me their county. I lost a few QSO's trying to figure out the MARAC county
list abbreviation (no web access except phone).

Thanks to all of the callers for a very enjoyable break from the heat and storm
clean up. I felt like I was about the only one enjoying such fabulous runs on
20M SSB with 534 QSO's and 373 counties including quite a few rare ones.

73, Jeff

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