[3830] NAQP CW K3TS Single Op Assisted LP

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Sun Aug 6 01:12:17 EDT 2023

                    North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: K3TS
Operator(s): K3TS
Station: K3TS

Class: Single Op Assisted LP
QTH: snj
Operating Time (hrs): 10:00

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    0     0
   80:  139    30
   40:  203    50
   20:  158    40
   15:   42    21
   10:    0     0
Total:  542   141  Total Score = 76,422

Club: Frankford Radio Club

Team: FRC Team CME


Grueling band conditions sucked out most of the fun from this, my favorite
domestic contest. Some kind of solar flare, no doubt. The sun giveth, and the
sun taketh away. So goes the propagation game. Hope to see you all in two weeks
for the SSB version of this contest, perhaps under improved conditions. Until
then, 73.

de K3TS

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