[3830] NAQP CW N6RO M/2 LP

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Sun Aug 6 02:53:21 EDT 2023

                    North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: N6RO
Operator(s): N6WM WU6P N6RO
Station: N6RO

Class: M/2 LP
QTH: Oakley CA
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   28     5
   80:   91    24
   40:  282    55
   20:  419    59
   15:  334    50
   10:    5     2
Total: 1159   195  Total Score = 226,005

Club: Northern California Contest Club



we didn't have most of the usual gang for this one, so N6WM and WU6P took on
primary duties N6WM 15/40 WU6P 10m death watch, 20 and 80.  N6RO handled 160. 
solar badness.. lighning static.. IT issues.  that was the challenge this go

>From the team....

Chris N6WM 15/40  - 15 was ok and resulted in some decent rate at contest start
for about 2 hours and then a reasonable maintenance rate after that, until a
solar even pretty much squelched the band  40m was noisy due to rain static, but
at least stayed open over most of the US from open to contest end.  

Nian WU6P 10/20/80  in his words - 0m, there is a struggle in the beginning. 
People cut in and start to run just in your face, QRM (like key down a long long
time) … later seems things get sorted out.  I never had a high rate on 20m,
but it opens till 9pm PDT (then people just all moved to low bands).  80m, as
usually, the early opening time, you just watch the east cost have fun work each
other and only till the last hour and half, the west cost can propagate out a
little bit. Things are getting better when the test ends.

Ken N6RO 160 - didn't expect much, and that's what I got.  Last year we made it
past the Rockies, had 9 mults.  this year couldn't get past Sierras;  no CO, UT,
NM, MT WY NV(no one on anyway). and no HI, usually get KH6CJJ, but no.  RBNs
confirmed my observations.  low bands were a bummer, but good 15, 20, 40

As always we thank you for the qsos and will see you in the ssb event

for team N6RO

73 and seeya next time


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