[3830] EUHF Champ OL5Y SO Mixed LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 6 05:12:34 EDT 2023

                    European HF Championship - 2023

Call: OL5Y
Operator(s): OL5Y
Station: OL5Y

Class: SO Mixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:   62      0     38
   80:  205      4     60
   40:  287     23     62
   20:  160     11     57
   15:   92     18     51
   10:   83     13     40
Total:  889     69    308  Total Score = 295,064

Club: Czech Contest CLub


EUHFC is one of my favourite contests - also because it is short :-) It's almost
impossible for stations from the middle of the EU to place well in it - on the
upper bands, where stations from other parts of the EU make one QSO after
another, I hear every tenth one... I've been watching the online scores a lot
this time - it's been fun and motivating to try to make every move in the
standings. Congratulations to YP8T and YQ6A who I was trying to chase!
Unfortunately I had problems with TRX again - it was giving power around 30-50
W, on 160m only 10W :-(
Thank you all for calling me or answering my call!
73! Martin, OL5Y

Radio: IC-756 (1st version)
Accessories: microHAM ARCO, MK2R+, Station masters, Stack masters, switches...
160: Inv. V @ 19m (63 ft.)
80: Inv. V @ 19m
40: 3-el Yagi (AD-3446) @ 25m (82 ft.) + 2-el Moxon (40MA2) @ 35m (115 ft.)
20/15/10: 3-el tribander ECO @ 20m (66 ft.), 3-el Spiderbeam @ 20m, 4-4-6-el
Yagi (AD-3446) @ 25m (82 ft.), 3-4-6-el Yagi (AD-346) @ 16m (40 ft.)


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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