[3830] EUHF Champ DJ5MW SO CW HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 6 05:20:04 EDT 2023

                    European HF Championship - 2023

Call: DJ5MW
Operator(s): DJ5MW
Station: DJ5MW

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: Scheidegg
Operating Time (hrs): 12
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:   141           50
   80:   351           65
   40:   382           65
   20:   296           64
   15:   193           60
   10:   149           52
Total:  1512    0     356  Total Score = 537,560

Club: Bavarian Contest Club


Nice to be back in EU HF after a while. Good short skip on high bands despite
high K levels, but low signals on 160/80.
Lost SO2R controller after a few hours in the contest, but not a big thing due
to limited band change rule.
I tried to make Vedran nervous on live score, but of course I had no chance here
He is QSO king like in WRTC! congrats!

73 de Manfred DJ5MW

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