[3830] NAQP CW K5RM Single Op Assisted LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 6 11:25:50 EDT 2023

                    North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: K5RM
Operator(s): K5RM
Station: K5RM

Class: Single Op Assisted LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.07
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    7     6
   80:   94    38
   40:  270    59
   20:  235    55
   15:   96    30
   10:    1     1
Total:  703   189  Total Score = 132,867

Club: Deep Dixie Contest Club

Team: Deep Dixie CC Team Kudzu


Well didn't get in all 10 hrs this time.  I started on 15 and listening on 10
mtrs. Only heard Bob-N4BP on 10 but didn't work him. I was hoping 10 would open
up for me but it didn't. I did work Jim-W7RY on 10 for my only QSO there.  He
was kind enough to jump bands for me for several multipliers. 15 wasn't too good
either for me. Everyone was pretty low on signal. 20 and 40 were my best bands
this time around. 40 started out really weak signals. I thought my beam and
dipole weren't working, since I couldn't even get spotted at first on the RBN.
But 40 got better. 80 and 160 were really bad for me also. I didn't think my
Beverage's even worked on 160, too much noise and could barely hear the few
stations that I worked. Everything in the station worked pretty well. I've added
a high power Triplexer from VA6AM and look forward to using it this contest
season. Still working on my so2r setup and being able to run on two bands. I did
okay by running on one and S&P on the other rig when runs were slow. My so2r
mini box still acts up at times with sending and switching the audio from one
rig to the other which I will inquire with W1UE about to see if this happens to
anyone else. Over all everything worked flawlessly.  Thanks for the Q's and see
all on next Contest.

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