[3830] NAQP CW WF7T Single Op Assisted LP

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Sun Aug 6 13:11:38 EDT 2023

                    North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: WF7T
Operator(s): WF7T
Station: WF7T

Class: Single Op Assisted LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   13    11
   80:  145    36
   40:  265    50
   20:  156    44
   15:   34    13
   10:    5     2
Total:  618   156  Total Score = 96,408

Club: Tennessee Contest Group



I had fun, but dang it, sun.

Some tactical errors made regarding time. I had a hunch that there was some sort
of solar event occurring, but my station location is "challenged". I
was thinking "it's not you, it's me." Nah, this time it wasn't me (Oh
the hubris of that last statement.)

I'm sure my breaks were poorly timed, but I had to get some face time with my
wife and doggie, both of whom do not understand why I would spend all day on the
radio instead of with them. I actually wouldn't, but i am addicted to
adrenaline--it's a disease. Minimum domestic harmony achieved, and equipment not
destroyed by lightning.

All the bands were rocking until they were not, except for 160, where I need to
do some work (always), and on 20 where my situation just sucks. Actually 20
wasn't that bad for me this year. 

Did I mention the noise? Not the general sucking sound, but the general
atmospheric noise on all bands most of the time. I mean, I blew out my ears from
my early rock-roll days (Seattle 1990s), but the ringing in my ears is bad
today, I'm just saying. Note to self: RX antennas are for the winter AND

Regardless, it was great to get dit-dits from my radio buddies. Thanks for being
there. Also, thanks to the log-checkers and organizers. Happy 30th anniversary,
Tennessee Contest Group!

73 Brad Brooks WF7T
Nashville, TN
Log submitted: 169134071482.naqp-cw

IC7600&IC756p2 at 100W
2el at 32ft
dipoles/doublets at 50ft or so 
Inv L w/one raised radial for 160M, no RX ant currently <-- sux
N1MM+, Winkeyer USB

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