[3830] WAE CW VJ3A(VK3JA) Single Op HP

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Sun Aug 13 19:56:35 EDT 2023

                    WAE DX Contest, CW - 2023

Call: VJ3A
Operator(s): VK3JA
Station: VK3JA

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Rural Melbourne
Operating Time (hrs): 13.5

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:    0     0     0
   40:   64    10    60
   20:  432   449    70
   15:  119    93    54
   10:    0     0     0
Total:  615   552   184  Total Score = 213,624

Club: VK Contest Club


This year never had an opening on ten meters, 15 meters had openings but a bit
disappointing.  20 meters however rocked!!  At times difficult QSB but many
hours wide open to EU day and night.  40 meters first day had too much QSB to
send QTC's but good on the final day with QTC's possible.

Every year I stand in awe of the CW receiving skills of many EU ops.  Sending my
QTC's at 30 wpm usually was copied 100% on the first try by many.  Amazing to me
to see such skills (sending QTC's is easy LOL).

Probably my favorite contest each year so thanks to all the calls and some short
CW friendships renewed!
73 Steve VJ3A (VK3JA)

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