[3830] WAE CW KF6NCX Single Op HP

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Tue Aug 15 12:59:28 EDT 2023

                    WAE DX Contest, CW - 2023

Call: KF6NCX
Operator(s): KF6NCX
Station: KF6NCX

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 5.6

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   40:   6     0     15
   20:  22     0     26
   15:  22     0     24
Total:  50     0     65  Total Score = 3,250

Club: Northern California Contest Club


I enjoyed this contest. I had planned to set up the Buddihex, which would have
helped, I'm sure, but I did not make time for it and wound up just using my
end-fed wire.  Still, the wire worked pretty well, with 500 watts running
through it.

I made 50 qsos in 5.6 hours.  This is the best I've done in three tries at this
contest.  It's been challenging to work the Europeans, but I had a somewhat
easier time this year.  I think conditions must have been better.  I worked 18
countries.  Multiple contacts with various countries were as follows: Germany,
13; Poland, 5; Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, 4 each; Bosnia-Herzegovina, 3;
Ukraine and Hungary, 2 each.  I had one contact with each of the following
countries: Belgium, Belarus, Norway, Denmark, Greece, Finland, Slovak Republic,
Russia and Romania.  I was a little surprised I didn't hear any stations from
the British Isles.

I found 15 and 20 to be quiet (no static) and 40 a little noisy but not too bad.
 When it was open, 15 seemed a little better than 20 – signals were louder. 
Five of my six 40-meter contacts came Friday evening when I was on the air
between 5:30 and 6 p.m.  It would have been interesting to see how things would
have gone if I'd kept operating Friday night. Saturday morning, I was on from
8:30 to 10 a.m.  I got one 40-meter qso, then one on 20, and from 8:45 to 10, I
went with 15 and made nine qsos.

I didn't operate Saturday afternooon. Got back on at 8:30 p.m. And did S&P
till 9:45, making nine qsos on 20 meters.  It was kind of tedious.  I'd search
for reasonably strong stations.  Sometimes I'd hear a fairly strong series of
“R... R... R...” as a EU station completed a QTC.  I'd wait till it was
done, and if I was lucky, I'd hear the EU guy call cq.  But often, it would turn
out the EU station had responded to the other station's cq, so after the QTC, he
disappeared.  Or the EU station would call cq and immediately work someone and
the go into another QTC.  I tried running for short periods a few times, but no
one seemed able to hear me.

Sunday morning, I made six more qsos in an hour on 15 meters. After lunch, I got
on the air intending to operate till the contest ended at 5 p.m.  Between 2:30
and 3:30, I made nine qsos on 20 meters, which was about the rate I averaged
throughout the contest, but at this point it began to seem very tedious.  A lot
of the stations I heard calling cq turned out to be dupes.  I felt I was doing a
lot of waiting for not much profit.  So, when I got to 50 qsos, which was at
3:30, I ended my effort.  As I said, it was fun.  Thanks for the qsos!

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