[3830] NAQP SSB N7MZW Single Op LP

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Sun Aug 20 15:27:02 EDT 2023

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: N7MZW
Operator(s): N7MZW
Station: N7MZW

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Wyoming
Operating Time (hrs): 10.0

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    0     0
   80:   12     9
   40:  346    53
   20:  364    48
   15:   12     8
   10:    2     2
Total:  736   120  Total Score = 88,320

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado

Team: GMCC Nuggets


After reading multiple comments within previous NAQP Contest articles, I decided
to try the "Old School" approach this time out with a SO/LP no
assistance effort. No doubt I lost some mults and Q's as a result, but it did
remind me of the old days and was much more challenging! Icom IC-7300, Heil Pro
Micro Headset on VOX, Vectronics HFT-1500 Manual Tuner for 15 and 80 Meters
only, and a ZS6BKW Flattop up 45 feet, running N-S at 6,053 feet elevation from
Laramie County. Worked 97 in the first hour. Fun pileups on 20 and 40! When QRN
was fierce, and callers were 10 deep, I separated the pile up by the number of
their call sign (1 in call sign, 2 in call sign, etc.) which allowed me to HEAR
and WORK stations MUCH MORE PRODUCTIVELY!. I worked only 2 stations on 10, and
12 stations each on 15 and 80 meters. Had to QRT for one thunderstorm. Costa
Rica, Hawaii, Cayman Is, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Alaska, Brazil,
Dominican Republic, and Sweden was my only "DX" worked. QRN was nuts
on 40 and 80, which resulted in many fills. Great to work several of my fellow
GMCC Team Members. NAQP is a wonderful contest for a one wire antenna/no amp
modest apartment QTH station like mine. Thanks to all who worked me during some
fun pileups, that featured massive static crashes at times. Go GMCC! November
Seven Many Zebras Walking. Chuck in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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