[3830] NAQP SSB W2LCQ Single Op Assisted LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 20 22:02:45 EDT 2023

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: W2LCQ
Operator(s): W2LCQ
Station: W2LCQ

Class: Single Op Assisted LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:    2     2
   40:  192    37
   20:   83    25
   15:    2     2
Total:  279    66  Total Score = 18,414

Club: Frankford Radio Club



This was my first SSB contest. Used the BeLoud remote station WW4LL near
Atlanta, GA. Ran most of the contest. It took me a while to get my bearings and
get used to calling CQ with my own voice. I did not use the N1MM+ WAV files as I
did not have time to set up the BeLoud software for that. Thanks to Bud AA3B for
pointing me to the contest filter in the FRC doc files. It was great working all
the FRC guys, getting to hear all the friendly and encouraging voices. For some
reason logging Qs in N1MM+ caused the BeLoud radio frequency to QSY down 10-20
khz. I had to keep my eye on the run frequency and reset every few loggings.
BeLoud had no explanation for this. It really hampered my operations. I thanked
stations in my pileups for the patience while i sorted things out. Except for
that I had a lot of fun and I came away with heightened respect for SSB
contesters. BeLoud announced the morning of the contest that they are closing
down next month so this will be my last remote contest with them.

Icom 7300 barefoot 100w
Full size 80 m four square
Full size 4 el 40m Yagi up 120'
3 antenna stacks for 20/15/10

Dell 7480 Windows 10 laptop w/N1MM+ and BeLoud remote software

Respectfully submitted, Ed Jones W2LCQ

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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