[3830] NAQP SSB AA4LR Single Op LP

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Thu Aug 24 10:25:46 EDT 2023

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: AA4LR
Operator(s): AA4LR
Station: AA4LR

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 2.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   40:   61    18
   20:   34    18
   15:    6     6
Total:  101    42  Total Score = 4,242

Club: South East Contest Club



80/40/20m Trap Dipole, sloped from 18m to 6m high

Elecraft K3/100 w/KAT3 running 100 watts


First operation from Gordon County. Been in the parsonage more than a month, but
no antenna. Went out Saturday morning to put up the dipole. Shot one rope over a
tree in the front yard with no problem. The other end, over a tree on the other
end of the yard, was a problem. After several bad shots, I lost both my
home-brew sling-shot weights and did not have material to make more. I ended up
lobbing the other end of the dipole into the low branches of the tree by tying
it to a small hammer. Not nearly as good as the sling-shot / fishing reel

I had hoped this location would be as quiet as the Floyd or Warrant county
locations, but no dice. With the antenna up, I was greeted with the frying sound
of power-line noise on every band. The K3 Noise Blanker was able to handle a bit
of this after adjustment. This was going to severely limit my ability to hear.

Spent the first hour hopping between 10, 15 and 20m. 10m showed no activity, and
15m was very limited. Took a break and came back later at 2130. 20m was
diminished but 40m was hopping. My CQs brought callers, but I had trouble
hearing them so there were too many repeats for my comfort.

Only spend 2.5 hours on this one, although checking out 80m might have been

Good to hear people on the air. I worked K4BAI and then quickly after KU8E. I
was surprised to hear Jeff in TN, but he said he was using a remote station. 

Hope everyone had a good time. See you in the next one, perhaps with improved

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