[3830] WWDigi N9TF SOAB LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 27 17:23:53 EDT 2023

                    World Wide Digi DX Contest - 2023

Call: N9TF
Operator(s): N9TF
Station: N9TF

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Clarksville TN
Operating Time (hrs): 8

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   21    11
   40:   68    15
   20:   66    21
   15:   55    25
   10:   19     9
Total:  226    81  Total Score = 33,939

Club: Tennessee Contest Group


Wish list... Ops use FT4 more. Easily double your score in the same amount of
time spent.
Spread out............If you see activity moving above or below your RX
bandwidth, turn the dial, and assist in the move to spread out! 
Don't respond on the callers freq. If everyone does that, most will not be
If you do respond on callers freq, please move off after the Q is finished so
you don't CQ on the callers freq! Some ops may find N9TF NIL because of that!
Except for those negatives above, it's a contest, so I play :)
One bright spot was using N3FJP WW-DIGI logger. It has a seamless communications
link to wsjt. No need for any additional com ports. And very smooth and easy
manual override for those times of edit. I'm an N1MM user for all other
contests, but I feel N3FJP works transparently well for digi into wsjt.

73 Gene, N9TF
100 watts

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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