[3830] WWDigi W7EW SOAB HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 27 22:45:55 EDT 2023

                    World Wide Digi DX Contest - 2023

Call: W7EW
Operator(s): W7EW
Station: W7EW

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
OpMode: 2BSIQ

 Band  QSOs  Mults
Total: 1539    0  Total Score = 906,512



Great Digi-Wigi contest with super conditions. Sorry I couldn't operate in 2022
but had time to develop a bit of a different approach for 2023.
          Qs     Points     Mults   From N1MM+
     160   0         0         0       
      80  69       156        20       All QSOs were FT8 only.  No FT4 was
      40 306       854        38
      20 447      1122        65 
      15 575      1727        64
      10 142       417        25
        1539      4276       212
    score- 906,512 via N1MM+

There were 29 Qs where I didn't get a grid number so the real number of Qs is
somewhere around 1510.
I operated SO2R, 2BSIQ which is a pretty slick way to go. It is a lot harder for
the mutants who operate this way on CW and SSB but can be done for the Digi
contests. No real problems except for the coax going to a dead short when tuning
up right before the start of the contest involving the 80M system. It had been
OK the night before...but that stuff happens when operating a contest.
    The conditions were the best since this contest started here in Oregon.  10
was marginal, 15 was stellar and didn't quit until midnight local time. 20 was
open most all of the time with nice late opening into zones 20 and 21. 40 was
its usual self and 80 between 10Z and 12Z had conditions where we could work the
other side of the Pacific very well.
    There  are a lot of astute Ops out there who are becoming expert in tail
ending, so that they call you right after you send your RR/73 or 73 message.
  Tail ending is a skill, no matter the mode, that speeds things along and
rewards both Ops if done right. 
    Thanks for the Qs. It was a fun way to spend a Saturday with a thousand or
two of the people who enjoy RF first and digital stuff secondly.

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