[3830] WW RTTY KG4IGC SO/Single Xcvr LP

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Mon Aug 28 05:52:44 EDT 2023

                    RTTYOps WW RTTY - 2023

Call: KG4IGC
Operator(s): KG4IGC
Station: KG4IGC

Class: SO/Single Xcvr LP
QTH: South Carolina
Operating Time (hrs): 9:52

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   0      0
   80:   1      1
   40:  12      9
   20:  87     41
   15:  11     11
   10:   0      0
Total:  11     62  Total Score = 16,492

Club: Swamp Fox Contest Group


Start 2200 Fri 15 meters no activity besides ft8 
20 meters 2200 stateside & EU hearing LV1D (ARGENTINA) BUT NO GO 2035
YO6HSU Romania 9A30T (CROATIA)2219 HEX tM3CA (fRANCE)
DF1QR Germany 59 Hz loop attempted run 14084.3 2250 5 min no answer to my call
switch to E/W super loop worked HA3MGA (Hungary)EA3JDN (Spain)

Nice surprise call from TF2MSN (Iceland) @ 2303 579 RST SP3DO QSB bad fade
40 METERS S&P 2237 Worked OZ11A (Denmark) GW5NF (Wales) 2358 with heavy QSB
stateside to the Northern states DF1QR (Germany)0004 

WWV de W0MU <00>SFI=139 A=5 K=1 Minor with R/1->No storms
Checked 80 Meters 0025 No RTTY signals
Went back to 20 meters, not many stations on the waterfall switched over to Gap
Challenger started another attempted run, picked up EI6IKB (Ireland) PY3TD
(Brazil) Picked up KH6CJJ (Hawaii) @0044, signal was weak but readable.

0119, very few stations to work on 20 & 40, none on 80 20 just about dead @
0150, only 2 stations visible on the waterfall. Worked YV4ABR inVenezuela at
0152, went to 40 to see if any change in band conditions, only station heard was
OZ11A which I already worked. Bands are completely dead in the RTTY portion.Made
the executive decision to shut down.

Sunday 1200

20 Meters:Band weak but was able to work YV4ABR (Venezuela) OA11A (Denmark)
On5GQ (Begium) W8TOM had a pretty loud signal this morning.

15 meters had a small opening around 1230 into SA, picked up YV4ABR9 (Venezeula)
PA6AA (Netherlands) DF1QR (Germany)

1640 15/20 meters bands still in bad shape. Every now and again a stateside
station will pop up on 20 and occasionly one or two from EU with very weak
signals. Same results no matter what antenna I try to use.SD5X (sweden) weak but
workable, put him in the log at 1703 with the hex antenna.
1737 starting to see more weak EU with IPO on AMP2, worked LX1ER (Luxemburg)0n
20 meters
using my Hex antenna pointed NNE.Hearing EI6IKB but he cannot hear me calling at
the moment. Worked G3PTX(England)@ 1750, REALLY had to work hard for this
20 is all that is open this afternoon so far. Switched to horizontal loop @
1847, was able to work EA4AOC for the second time on this band Apparently you
can work everyone once per band on each segment of the contest.I verified this
with another op because I was wondering why N1MM was not identifying them as
dupes until you worked a station twice on the same band/ differant segments.
picked up IK5FKF (Italy) 1906. Been hearing GW5NF (Wales) off an on for the past
couple of hoursand finally worked him @ 2004, still having to use IPO AMP2 on
the rig which I rarely ever use.Small South America opening on 20 , worked HC1JQ
(Ecuador) using the horizontal loop. Took a couple of tries but was able to
complete the contact. Thunderstorms popping up on the radar, but WX clear at my
QTH. Starting to wonder if hurricane Franklin off of the east coast may have
some effect on band conditions.

Since the only band open was 20 and I pretty mmuch worked everyone that I could
see and hear I decided to run for awhile with the horizontal loop. Run was slow,
but got several responces from a mix of EU, SA and stateside stations. Worked
OA4DOS(Peru) @ 2146, nice strong signal, SV2AEL (Geece) worked @ 2253.

Finally heard some activity on 40 meters at 2255, about six stations visible on
the waterfall, worked K2RET and then the rest of the stations
"disappeared" so decided to call it quits since the contest ends at
8PM anyway. TNX for those who had tha patience to work this contest, hopefully
things will get better when the winter contest season arrives.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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