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Mon Aug 28 13:55:42 EDT 2023
Hawaii QSO Party - 2023
Call: KH6AQ
Operator(s): KH6AQ
Station: KH6AQ
Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Pahoa, Hawaii
Operating Time (hrs): 25:47
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Dig Qs Mults
160: 0 0 0 0
80: 2 0 0 0
40: 105 0 0 3
20: 457 0 0 76
15: 354 0 0 17
10: 132 0 0 3
Total: 1050 0 0 99 Total Score = 311,850
Being on the state end of a QSO party is certainly a lot of fun! If I'd known
the 'test would start so hard and fast I'd have warmed up for half an hour on
Morse Runner. I am just amazed at the level of interest mainland ops have for
the Hawaii QSO Party. Thanks everyone!
The goal was 1000+ CW Qs while working around my normal sleep hours. Operating
for two hours Friday night (KH6-time) placed 188 Qs in the log. Saturday morning
started at 6 a.m. with the next 14 hours providing 500 more Qs for a total of
700. That left 300 for Sunday and therein lies a challenge. The Fri/Sat rate
averaged around 40 yet by Sunday had slowed to 23. By 0000 Z Sunday things were
proceeding at a crawl with the elusive 1000 Q goal looking to be just out of
reach, once again. Doubling down, and with the pace picking up after the SST
'test ended, the 1000 Q goal was met with an hour to spare. What a relief.
Working towards a numerical goal certainly adds another exciting dimension to
Radiosport. Nearly two years of contesting mania (over 40 significant CW contest
efforts), along with ~20k Morse Runner Qs, has alleviated much of the stress,
making CW contesting a rather pleasant, relaxing and rewarding endeavor.
Propagation was fine with all bands, 40-10 meters, performing well. Europe was
good for many a mult. Asia, not so much. Calling CQ towards Asia yielded not one
mult. Sending ST? or STATE? to elicit an op's state was met by crickets so I
tried QTH? and that was the charm. 49 states were worked. SD where were you?
Things got pretty buggy Sunday afternoon and it’s always a treat copying the
wonderful variety of old-timey fists.
Notes to self for next year:
Do a half hour Morse Runner warmup.
Work as many as you can on Fri/Sat ‘cuz things slow way down by Sunday.
Set N1MM F9 to STATE.
FTdx-10 at 100 watts
34'ground plane, 2 x 37' radials up 8’ with a remote ATU for 80-10 meters
Hexbeam up 33'
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