[3830] YO HF N2YO(@NR4M) SO CW HP

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Wed Aug 30 03:18:57 EDT 2023

                    YO DX HF Contest - 2023

Call: N2YO
Operator(s): N2YO
Station: NR4M

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 20:15
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
   80:    78    0      41
   40:   273    0      79
   20:   470    0      82
   15:   326    0      81
   10:     8    0       6
Total:  1155    0     289  Total Score = 1,444,133

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Shadowed by three US domestic QSO parties, a World-Wide digi contest, and a
number of other smaller contests, the YO DX HF Contest attracted again a large
number of world-wide hams, and a lot of YO call signs. Why would one prefer to
enter a contest on computer driven mode like FT8 or FT4 when there are plenty of
stations operating in CW or SSB in another contest, while the solar cycle is
getting closer to its peak - that's beyond my understanding. But... De gustibus
non est disputandum.
To me, this is was my best CW-only score in YO DX HF.
Propagation was not as good as it was in WAE-CW two weeks ago, but low bands
sounded better. Unfortunately, 10m didn't offer much, I only made 8 Qs on this
Steve NR4M allowed me again to use his great station at the non-goat farm.
Thanks Steve!
And thanks everyone for Qs!

73 de Chip N2YO

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