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Mon Feb 20 14:13:42 EST 2023

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2023

Call: K6RO
Operator(s): K6RO
Station: K6RO

Operating Time (hrs): 31

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:    6     2
   40:  136    52
   20:  125    59
   15:  148    61
   10:  285    82
Total:  700   256  Total Score = 537,600

Club: Southern California Contest Club


Got my MA40 tower up a few days before this contest,so I decided to try using a
beam rather than a 60 meter wire at 12 feet.. Conditions were great,and I made
many q's on the first call.
I felt really loud.
Been a long time since I did a CW contest,so I did S and P only.
Really wanted to play for just a few hours,but that turned into 31 hours off and
on in my shack.
I was able to fix a few radios,help my gardener clean up the mess we made
clearing space for the tower and antennas, and a few other chores around the
I could not figure out how to get my keyboard to send CW, so I did it all with
my Bencher.
I did have a new problem...after 3-4 hours in a row,one of my fingers would not
move as I wanted it to,and I had trouble sending...that was very frustrating.
Tried a different finger,but that was awkward.
The joys of getting older.
I will figure out N1MM real fast,so that won't happen again.
Overall,I had a good time,and look forward to more contests and DXing from my
new QTH.
Time to order my new towers and antennas,and get going on my new station.
Thanks so much to JK antennas for sending me a much needed piece for my yagi.
Thanks also to Axel and Adams for their great work getting my station back on
the air. They do great work !
Until next time,
Larry k6ro

Bencher paddles
JK Navassa at 41 feet .. 2 elements on 6-20m
JK 40-1 40 meter rotatable dipole at 50 feet.
Long wire on 80m ...could not put out over 300 watts without amp faulting
...need to fix that.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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