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Sun Mar 5 22:33:15 EST 2023

                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB - 2023

Call: K7QA
Operator(s): K7QA
Station: K7QA

QTH: Montana
Operating Time (hrs): 22+

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   17    14
   40:   73    39
   20:  171    71
   15:  211    74
   10:  177    69
Total:  649   267  Total Score = 519,849

Club: Big Sky Contesters


One of the few SSB contests worth the effort. Condx disappointing compared to
the CW weekend with K at 4, but still decent. EU openings strong on all high
bands both days. Low bands sucked as expected. All S&P with the second half
using 100w after Murphy came knocking. Both amps decided to stop working for yet
unknown reasons. LP means having to time your calls waiting out the pileups. Too
many mults missed.

Almost decided to pass on the entire event when I found the shack floor all wet
with seeping water from somewhere. Spent over an hour looking for the source to
no avail. Long hard winter here with lots of snow everywhere. 

Rig:  IC-7610  SPE 2K-FA Amp, LK-500 
SkyHooks: 13 ele HB Triband yagi  2 ele HB 40m yagi  2
tower DA shunt fed 80m & 160m. Details on QRZ.com

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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