[3830] NA Sprint RTTY W0YK(@K6MTU) HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sat Mar 11 23:48:56 EST 2023

                    NA Sprint RTTY Contest - March

Call: W0YK
Operator(s): W0YK
Station: K6MTU

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: CM97bc
Operating Time (hrs): 4
OpMode: 2BSIQ
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs  Op Time
   80:   17       0
   40:   61      10
   20:   58      26
Total:  136    Mults = 37  Total Score = 5,032

Club: Pizza Lovers 259

Team: NCCC #1


Thanks to everyone who got on for this.  Your perseverance is commendable. 
These RTTY Sprints in recent years have really accentuated the decrease in
activity.  The several team formations are much appreciated.

Tonight was doubly frustrating for me as I struggled again with the Flex SSDR. 
I start out with a bad attitude because I hate a mouse and screen for a radio
UI.  Unfortunately, the Flex is fcurrently one of the best solutions for remote
operating and the radio itself is outstanding but the user interface just

After fighting the SSDR setup, the ultimate killer was Windows 10 which had
apparently decided to disable almost all of the DAX items and it took me until
15 minutes into the contest to figure that out so I could get audio in and out
on the left radio.  By then, I was in such a foul mood it was hard to get
traction operating.  

I love Sprints, though, so before long I fell into the groove and enjoyed the
rest of the event.  I do feel bad for all of us because of the low activity.

20 was great, but it took 40 a while to open up.  80 was the same disappointment
as in NAQP.  One of the many storms to hit CA this winter took out one of the
80m 4-Square towers and we just aren't being heard well at all.  Strangely, it
is not reciprocal and receiving is superb.  As an example, N3QE and K5ZD
couldn't hear me CQing and worked each other dead zero-beat.  I called them to
no avail.  Randy did find me 30 minutes later.

40 had the opposite problem where I just could pull a lot of stations out of the
noise, but they seemed to hear me OK.

Get your logs submitted now so you don't have to deal with it this week. 
Deadline next Saturday.  We'll try to have preliminary results out on Sunday.


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