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Sun Mar 12 01:29:26 EST 2023

                    TESLA Memorial HF CW Contest - 2023

Call: W2LCQ
Operator(s): W2LCQ
Station: W2LCQ

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 8

 Band  QSOs
   80:   1
   40:  77
Total:  78  Total Score = 3,008



I really enjoy this contest. Another remote effort using the BeLoud WW4LL
station in Atlanta. Thought I could move back and forth between 80 and 40 but
that turned out not to be the case. 80/40 were dead all Saturday afternoon.
Didn't start hearing EU until about 1700 ET. 80 was very noisy with very little
activity. Stayed on 40m. Did much better than the 2 previous years. Ran most of
the time but did S&P as opportunities appeared on the AW. Copying the S/N
and Grid became easy after a while. The score indicated above will be much lower
than the final score as the final score is based on the distance between grids.
Did not hear many US stations. I noticed that there were other contests taking
place at the same time: TM, BERU,OKQP, and a couple others but they all sorted
themselves into different band segments. I need to get the monitot and keyboard
if I'm to progress at contesting. Tesla complained that he had difficulty tuning
circuits in Manhattan so he moved to Colorado for 3 years. I know how he felt.

Icom 7300 100w out
40m - 4 el full size Yagi
80m - Four Square
N3ZN paddle w/AI7R Paddle Interface Box
Dell 7480 Windows 10 laptop
BeLoud software/N1MM+

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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