[3830] Rus DX OK7W SO CW HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Mar 20 10:15:57 EDT 2023

                    Russian DX Contest - 2023

Call: OK7W
Operator(s): OK7W
Station: OK7W

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
OpMode: 2BSIQ

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:    68             22        25
   80:   374             40        61
   40:   663             60        69
   20:   516             53        72
   15:   566             56        74
   10:   276             50        55
Total:  2463    0       281       356  Total Score = 11,777,493



I was very currious how will my 2bSIQ recently invented system work in contest
with serial numbers. Well, it was not easy and the operation was not smooth
(sorry for little waiting on my responses). But I got ideas for improving my
system. And also 172Q/hr in serial number contest is nice :).

The conditions was good and all the contest was big fun with nice rates all the
time, so no time to rest.

I made few serious mistakes, so it could be even better:
- I realised that the 160m is in this contest around 3am (too late) 
- My 10m yagi turned accidentally oposite direction during the test.
- I had interference 15m-10m so the only solutin was to use weaker antenna for

Thanks for all the contact, to OK1MU, OK2ZAW and his QRO.CZ hamparts shop. 

See you next time,
73, Standa OK1CID, OK7W

-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
1200       0      0      0      0     88     39    127    127    5.2
1300       0      0      0      0     64     50    114    241    9.8
1400       0      0      0     73     77      1    151    392   15.9
1500       0      0      0     74     50      0    124    516   21.0
1600       0      0      0     77     44      0    121    637   25.9
1700       0      0     90     55      2      0    147    784   31.8
1800       0      0     72     53      0      0    125    909   36.9
1900       0     88     83      0      0      0    171   1080   43.8
2000       0     72     69      0      0      0    141   1221   49.6
2100       0     52     50      0      0      0    102   1323   53.7
2200       0     45     53      0      0      0     98   1421   57.7
2300       0     38     49      0      0      0     87   1508   61.2
0000       0     32     59      0      0      0     91   1599   64.9
0100       1     16     40      0      0      0     57   1656   67.2
0200      43      5     29      0      0      0     77   1733   70.4
0300      21     22     36      0      0      0     79   1812   73.6
0400       3      4     32     28      0      0     67   1879   76.3
0500       0      0      1     45     32      0     78   1957   79.5
0600       0      0      0      7     42     22     71   2028   82.3
0700       0      0      0     60     43      0    103   2131   86.5
0800       0      0      0     18     30     44     92   2223   90.3
0900       0      0      0      0     18     58     76   2299   93.3
1000       0      0      0      0     38     48     86   2385   96.8
1100       0      0      0     26     38     14     78   2463  100.0
Total     68    374    663    516    566    276   2463

Gross QSOs=2507        Dupes=44        Net QSOs=2463

Unique callsigns worked = 1243

The best 60 minute rate was 172/hour from 1901 to 2000
The best 30 minute rate was 190/hour from 1900 to 1929
The best 10 minute rate was 210/hour from 1537 to 1546

The best 1 minute rates were:
 6 QSOs/minute    2 times.
 5 QSOs/minute   19 times.
 4 QSOs/minute   77 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  233 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  435 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  479 times.

There were 1373 bandchanges and 825 (33.5%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3        12
   4      1151
   5       779
   6       498
   7         9
   8         3
   9         8
  10         3

------------ M u l t i p l i e r   S u m m a r y ------------
Mult     160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
          68    374    663    516    566    276   2463  100.0
Total     68    374    663    516    566    276   2463

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands     641
2 bands     239
3 bands     182
4 bands     117
5 bands      54
6 bands      10

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

RM5F        RT4F        R5DC        RM9A        RT6A        R8TT        
UA4W        UB7K        RO2E        RC6U        

------- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O s ------
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs     14     68    215    124    130     90

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