[3830] NewEngQP W1VE M/S Mobile LP

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Mon May 8 12:46:58 EDT 2023

                    New England QSO Party - 2023

Call: W1VE
Operator(s): K1EP W1VE
Station: W1VE

Class: M/S Mobile LP
QTH: New England
Operating Time (hrs): 18.5

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:      46      0
   40:     550      0
   20:     625      0
   15:      28      0
   10:       0      0
Total:    1249      0  Mults = 65  Total Score = 162,370

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


921 miles of driving, 35 counties activated, 3 tanks of gas, many OM pee breaks,
and beautiful New England spring weather.  

I credit Ed, K1EP with a tremendous amount of planning.   Doing well in NEQP
mobile requires a lot of skill in planning the route.   Ed and I have both been
in NEQP many times, and know the pitfals to avoid.   We were almost always
mobile-in-motion, and had only a few times where we stopped for any length of

Thanks to the amazing possee who followed us around each county.   We were not
loud, as conditions were not the best.   We ran just 100 watts from the K4, into
Hamsticks on Ed's Subaru Forrester.

Ed's setup had the K4 on the left-side back seat.   He purchased a 12v big
monitor, which was attached to the back of the passenger seat.  He had a wooden
tray for our lap, which held the keyboard and mouse.  This made "butt in
pretty comfortable.

The Elecraft K4 was a pleasure to use, and we had no issues at all.

Thanks for the fun!  It was a blast.

QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW once I split the log into 35 ADI files :-)


Gerry W1VE & Ed, K1EP

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