[3830] WAE RTTY N1RM Single Op HP

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Sun Nov 12 21:48:46 EST 2023

                    WAE DX Contest, RTTY - 2023

Call: N1RM
Operator(s): N1RM
Station: N1RM

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 9:11

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   40:   99    30    90
   20:  183   337   126
   15:   96   196   100
   10:   35    64    48
Total:  413   627   364  Total Score = 378,560

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Another busy weekend, but I wasn't worried, because it's just a European contest
- right?  Wow - I have to mark my calendar with this one for next year.  Being
able to send and receive QTC's means there is a virtually unlimited number of
QSO points.  N1MM automation and picking out strong stations as QTC partners
made the process pretty quick and painless. I had a couple of trainwrecks, and I
need to practice more on techniques for patching up missing entries without
having to retype everything.  But it's like working with a QSO firehose!

My limited time meant that I lived pretty much on 20M.  I didn't get on 40M
until Sunday afternoon when it really started picking up. My strategy was to
mult hunt early on and then run, and run, and run.  It was a real blast.

Thanks for all the Qs. Congratulations to the guys at the top of the PVRC
K4, A2000A, DB18E

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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