[3830] WAE RTTY TM3Z(F4DSK) Single Op LP
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Tue Nov 14 05:41:01 EST 2023
WAE DX Contest, RTTY - 2023
Call: TM3Z
Operator(s): F4DSK
Station: F4DSK
Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 36
OpMode: SO2R
Band QSOs QTCs Mults
80: 262 196
40: 481 479 255
20: 334 416 206
15: 305 657 218
10: 232 477 180
Total: 1614 2029 1055 Total Score = 3,843,365
Club: Interest Group RTTY
Given the propagation we had in recent weeks, my goal was to reach 2500 QTC,
1500 QSO and more than 4.000.000 points (so more than 1000 multipliers) but that
was without counting on a CME directed toward the Earth and announced to arrive
saturday evening.
And indeed the upper bands closed very early here Saturday evening.This
therefore resulted in a number of available QTCs being much lower than what it
should have been.
Being SO2R, the strategy here was very simple :
I focused on QTCs and multipliers.
One radio to do S&P to DX stations (very easy with skimmers) for QTCs -->
asking QTC to EVERY DX QSO (worked 684 DX stations and less than a dozen of them
for which I didn't asked QTC exchange) and the 2nd radio to run/S&P/hunting
When I was running on a radio, I stopped that to ask QTC exchange to a DX who
called me (even if somebody else was waiting to do the QSO, don't worry, they
will come back later !) ; it's better to do QTC with a rate of 10
"QSO/QTC" per minutes than maximum 3 normal QSO/min while running !
In the same way, I had programmed my rest periods according to the DX openings
and where it would be potentially possible to exchange the most QTC.
I kept one eye on the available multipliers windows and QSYed immediately if a
new one was spotted (if I don't QSY in the firsts seconds, HP stations will
prevent me to work him quickly so it's a waste of time).
And finally, with 3 interlaced antennas for high bands here and 2 beams for 40m,
I was able to kept an antenna in each direction (AS, NA, SA), so when a new
multiplier came --> no time lost to turn the antenna: click on spot, switch
antenna, click on macro (even with the reaction time, it needs only a handful of
seconds ; when you have no power, you must be smart).
Some HP stations are running like deaf men but it's sometime unproductive in the
same way 2BSIQ during the WAE RTTY is a mistake from EU --> some hours with
good rates won't give a good hourly average at the end !
THE KEY IS QTC, QTC and again QTC !!!
Having 3 RX windows, for each radios, with different setup helped VERYYY much to
have a clear decode !
About the propagation, nothing special to say than mentionned above except that
during the night from saturday to sunday, after my break, I came back on air at
01.30z looking for US and their QTC on 40m but it was a disaster, clearly a
radio blackout here and rain taht gave S9 of noise so back to bed after 20
minutes of battle. When I came back at 03.00z, it was absolutly the opposite
--> never saw such RBN reports from US following my CQ.
Sunday evening gave much better conditions on the high bands.
So now, I must wait the next year, to try again to reach 2500 QTC (sure that
it's possible as LP) !
You'll find my statistics below.
Thanks for the QSO/QTC and C U on the screen
73, Dimitri F4DSK / TM3Z
1 x FTDX5000MP @ 100W
1 x IC-7600 @ 95W
MMTTY (2 RX windows by TRX with differents setup)
80m INV V @ 21m
40m 3el @ 25m + 2el @ 19m
20m 6el @ 22m + 3el @ 16m + 3el @ 15m
15m 7el @ 22m + 3el @ 16m + 4el @ 15m
10m 12el @ 22m + 5el @ 16m + 6el @ 15m
Band Q/QTC QSOs Pts Mlt Pt/Q
3,5 QSO 262 262 196 1,0
7 QSO 481 481 255 1,0
7 RQTC 289 289 0 1,0
7 SQTC 190 190 0 1,0
14 QSO 334 334 206 1,0
14 RQTC 274 274 0 1,0
14 SQTC 142 142 0 1,0
21 QSO 305 305 218 1,0
21 RQTC 377 377 0 1,0
21 SQTC 280 280 0 1,0
28 QSO 232 232 180 1,0
28 RQTC 257 257 0 1,0
28 SQTC 220 220 0 1,0
Total All 3643 3643 1055 1,0
Score : 3 843 365
1 Mult = 3,5 QSO
Worked All Europe - WAE RTTY - 2023-11-11 0000Z to 2023-11-13 0000Z - 3650 QSOs
TM3Z - Off Times >= 60 Minutes
2023-11-11 0000Z - 2023-11-11 0101Z 01:02 (62 mins) (Start late)
2023-11-11 0422Z - 2023-11-11 0521Z 01:00 (60 mins)
2023-11-11 1015Z - 2023-11-11 1114Z 01:00 (60 mins)
2023-11-11 2100Z - 2023-11-11 2202Z 01:03 (63 mins)
2023-11-11 2220Z - 2023-11-12 0131Z 03:12 (192 mins)
2023-11-12 0155Z - 2023-11-12 0254Z 01:00 (60 mins)
2023-11-12 0406Z - 2023-11-12 0505Z 01:00 (60 mins)
2023-11-12 0610Z - 2023-11-12 0711Z 01:02 (62 mins)
2023-11-12 2220Z - 2023-11-12 2359Z 01:41 (101 mins)
Total Time Off 12:00 (720 mins)
Total Time On 36:00 (2160 mins)
-------------- Q S O / Q T C R a t e S u m m a r y
Hour 160 80 40 20 15 10 Rate Total
0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0100 0 29 23/120 0 0 0 52/120 52
0200 0 35 22/50 0 0 0 57/50 109
0300 0 25 20/70 2 0 0 47/70 156
0400 0 6 6/30 1 0 0 13/30 169
0500 0 19 11/19 4 0 0 34/19 203
0600 0 8 27/40 11/10 5 0 51/50 254
0700 0 0 17 29 17/30 2 65/30 319
0800 0 0 0 18/10 21/20 16/10 55/40 374
0900 0 0 0 6 22/20 16/10 44/30 418
1000 0 0 7 2 2 1 12 430
1100 0 0 0 14/40 10/20 7/10 31/70 461
1200 0 0 0 10/20 12/30 7/10 29/60 490
1300 0 0 0 4 15/60 22/20 41/80 531
1400 0 0 0 0 18/70 21/50 39/120 570
1500 0 0 3 2 12/20 19/80 36/100 606
1600 0 0 2 2 18/80 16/40 38/120 644
1700 0 0 6/10 8/10 12/20 13/58 39/98 683
1800 0 3 32 7/22 8/20 1 51/42 734
1900 0 18 1 25/90 0 0 44/90 778
2000 0 27 6/10 20/44 0 0 53/54 831
2100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 831
2200 0 1 13/10 0 0 0 14/10 845
2300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 845
0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 845
0100 0 4 6/10 0 0 0 10/10 855
0200 0 1 3 0 0 0 4 859
0300 0 10 32/60 0 0 0 42/60 901
0400 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 904
0500 0 15 16/30 1/10 0 0 32/40 936
0600 0 6 0 1 0 0 7 943
0700 0 0 40 2/10 2/10 6/10 50/30 993
0800 0 0 26/10 2/10 1 5/10 34/30 1027
0900 0 0 38 1 9/20 3 51/20 1078
1000 0 0 21 11 7 11/20 50/20 1128
1100 0 0 0 59 9 2 70 1198
1200 0 0 0 34 11/20 2 47/20 1245
1300 0 0 0 6/10 22/50 3 31/60 1276
1400 0 0 0 3/10 3 18/40 24/50 1300
1500 0 0 1 0/10 10/20 19/30 30/60 1330
1600 0 0 1 0 10/30 19/60 30/90 1360
1700 0 0 30 0 23/30 3/20 56/50 1416
1800 0 17 33 3 1/20 0 54/20 1470
1900 0 4 13 2 22/60 0 41/60 1511
2000 0 0 17 18/61 3/10 0 38/71 1549
2100 0 28 3 22/30 0 0 53/30 1602
2200 0 4 4/10 4/20 0 0 12/30 1614
2300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1614
Total 0 262 481/479 334/416 305/657 232/477 1614/2029
Gross QSOs=1622 Dupes=8 Net QSOs=1614
Unique callsigns worked = 939
Worked All Europe - WAE RTTY - 2023-11-11 0000Z to 2023-11-13 0000Z - 3650 QSOs
TM3Z Max Rates (including QTC):
2023-11-12 0927Z - 12,0 per minute (1 minute(s)), 720 per hour by
2023-11-11 2004Z - 5,0 per minute (10 minute(s)), 300 per hour by
2023-11-11 0206Z - 2,9 per minute (60 minute(s)), 175 per hour by
The best 1 minute rates (without QTC) were:
4 QSOs/minute 2 times.
3 QSOs/minute 33 times.
2 QSOs/minute 320 times.
1 QSOs/minute 867 times.
There were 797 bandchanges and 390 (24.2%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.
| EU | NA | SA | AF | AS | OC |
| 57.9% | 30.8% | 3.7% | 0.6% | 5.3% | 2.0% |
Number of letters in callsigns
Letters # worked
3 5
4 469
5 629
6 486
7 13
8 7
9 5
Multi-band QSOs
1 bands 508
2 bands 260
3 bands 112
4 bands 45
5 bands 14
6 bands 0
------- S i n g l e B a n d Q S O s ------
Band 160 80 40 20 15 10
QSOs 0 75 182 93 91 67
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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